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"Daddy when come?" Haechan sat next Mark with a pout. His arms shook so much it hurt Mark to see him like this. Who ever this boy was he deserved the world.

"He said he'll meet us at the police station. He'll come." Mark smiled looking around for Jaehyun.

"Bear give sparkly?" Haechan pointed at the older boys necklace but Mark didn't want to give it.

"Sweetheart this is very important to me." Mark whispered looking worriedly, the Teddy Bear like boy pouted, he sniffled starting to cry.

That's when an expensive car drove by and a handsome man got off the car, the younger stood up immediately. He started crying loudly, he ran towards the man and hugged him tight.

"Daddy!!! Daddy!!!" Haechan cried as Jaehyun hugged the boy so tight he cried with him.

"Omg I'm so sorry I lost you!!! I'm so sorry baby." Jaehyun kissed Haechans cheeks and lifted the boy like a Koala up.

"Bear........" Haechan rubbed his cheeks on the olders cheeks.

"Thank you for finding him for me. Ask me anything, Name it and it's yours." Jaehyun looked at Mark who could have asked for so much but shook his head and smiled.

"Take care of him sir. That's all I'll ask." Mark smiled at the beauty who still avoided eye contact with him.

"Bear give sparkly?" Haechan pointed at Marks necklace, he removed it and made Haechan wear it. Perhaps it would look more gorgeous on this boy instead of himself.

"Daddy.......Bear want lion." Haechan pointed at Mark making Jaehyun chuckle wiping his tears.

"What's your name son?" Jaehyun asked Mark.

"Mark Lee sir." Said the red head smiling.

"I'm sorry if Haechan gave you alot of trouble. I'm so glad he was found by safe hands. I'll forever be grateful for you. You know he's autistic so it's dangerous for him to loiter off alone." Jaehyun sighed as he made Haechan sit in the car, the boy squealed playing with his necklace.

"He's quite bright though." Mark chuckled.

"He is, though his behavioural patterns are very strange and child like. As an all time working father it's a big ordeal to raise him, though I thought his mother died at child birth she actually left him because he showed symptoms of autism at birth. He's a darling though." Jaehyun tapped his son's button nose making him giggle.

"I can baby sit him if you like, I study at SM Hospital For Teaching. I would love to come take care of him." Mark offered with a smile which made Jaehyun actually be shocked that someone was willing to take care of his son themselves.

"Daddy?" Haechan pouted up at him.

"Yes darling?" Jaehyun smiled at the brunette.

"Me hungry. Me wanna sleep." Haechan sniffled, his arms shaking his body fragile.

"Let's go. Mark that'll really be great, non of the earlier ones were good enough, one boy actually tried to sexually haress my boy and thank god the cook came in time. You just need to be with him at night, I have work shift at night." Jaehyun mumbled at the red head as he jogged around and started the car.

Jaehyun literally owned SM Hospital for Teaching. He was a good man, rich, had all the wealth and spotlight he needed but he had one Beautiful flaw and that was Haechan. Mark suddenly felt lonely, two days and this disabled beauty sure caught his attention.

"You agreed to babysit him?! Are you kidding?! He is our hospitals Deen you Dumbo." Taeyong groaned at his usless son eating a watermelon as if his life depended on it.

"Omo aren't you his junior Mom? Woah Daebak." Mark teased Taeyong who smacked him with a cushion.

"Shut up you big dummy! Anyways you haven't spoken to Mina in ages. You guys good?" Taeyong joined his son on the couch who sighed and drew in a sharp breath.

"She's got boyfriend issues. Haha. She kind of umm likes me and that makes me feel awkward Mom." Mark mumbled with a sigh.

Haechan dashed all the plates in the kitchen, he threw the mugs and he stomped bare foot around, screaming and shouting, he had been really excited a few moments earlier but he was worse now. He screamed loudly as he started pricking himself on the thigh. That's when Mark came in for his first day at baby sitting a big boy.

"Hyuckie stop it!!!" Jaehyun shouted which made the boy fall flat on his butt and start crying softly. Mark immediately rushed to the beauty though Haechan pushed him away.

"Give it to me.........I don't want you to hurt yourself. Hmm?" Mark smiled as Haechan threw the glass piece on his face and ran off crying.

"I'm so sorry you had to see this. He gets really aggressive or emotional, I'm afraid.........Other people who came to take care of him usually hit him really hard so he'd shut up and stay in a Corner the whole day. Promise me you won't be like that or try any sexual attempts on him please......I." Jaehyun rubbed his face as they heard a loud slam of the door upstairs.

"I want to protect him. I'm an orphan and I know the value of love. Don't worry Mr Jung I'll take care of him. I promise." Promised Mark with a respectable bow.

When Jaehyun left Mark sat on the couch with a sigh, as he tried to figure out how to clean this mess. He noticed the stains of blood which probably meant the boy upstairs was hurt. So he went upstairs, pushing the door open that had alot of scratch marks.

"Feety hurty." Haechan lifted a limb up at Mark, he was dressed in a fluffy sweater, with no pants, sniffling he pouted.

"Your Daddy is hurt. He's not going to come home today." Mark giggled when trying to wrap the bandages for the boys hurt feet.

"Bear sowy. Bear give sparkly!" Haechan lifted his sweater showing the necklace. Mark smiled, why was this boy so adorably cute?

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