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"Bear give?" Haechan seal clapped at Mark who gave him a Sunflower. The older feeling much better from yesterday.

"Mommy lion give!!" Haechan came to Taeyong with glee, he squealed and ran about.

"Why does he call you Mommy." Jaehyun turned to look at Taeyong, his hair flying in the breeze, his shirt blowing with the wind.

"Obviously because he wants me to be his mother." Taeyong rolled his eyes at the brunette.

"I'm taking him away with me." Mark smiled at the beauty running around the park, he bounced and screamed so happily it made the older feel full.

"So why did your wife leave?" Taeyong looked at Haechan then at Jaehyun.

"Our son showed signs of autism. I never saw her again. She loved the baby so much but had the heart to leave this baby alone." Jaehyun sighed smiling through his pain.

"I could be his mother forever. He's such a sweetheart I love him. If my baby ever had autism I'd devote my life for him. You are a great Daddy Mr Jung." Taeyong smiled at Jaehyun who  felt something tingle within him.

"Beary feety hurty!" Haechan lifted his arms up so he'd be lifted.

"Awwe are you tired?" Mark bounced him up in his arms.

"Lion me sleepy." The cutie pouted squinted his eyes under the bright sunlight.

"Already? Aren't you going to play with Mommy?" Taeyong stood up as he jogged towards the two boys.

If you would as Jaehyun how it felt to watch his son giggle so loudly, he'd say he felt like his son was finally happy. Genuinely. It felt like it was a family, Taeyongs eyes, his smile, wait why was he getting so distracted by just this man? Haechan let Mark touch his bare tummy, cuddle him and swirl him. Taeyong took care of the boy with all his heart and Mark.........that boy actually worshipped the beauty.

"Daddy play!!" Haechan handed over the ball, his arms shivering, his eyes avoiding contact. His frame rocking but his smile brighter than the sun.

Mark had a class that evening so he tried to go from the park but the younger boy held his hand tightly. He wasn't going to let go of his lion ever. Taeyong tried to talk the boy out of it, sadly Haechan was a stubborn little fat bear. Jaehyun tried to stop his son accidentally holding Taeyongs bare thigh.

"You shouldn't wear shorts you know." Jaehyun nervously rubbed his nape.

"You should keep your hands to yourself you know." Taeyong stuck his tongue out at the doctor.

"Bear wanna go!!!" Haechan wiggled sitting on Marks lap adamantly with a pout.

"But darling it's very busy today." Mark smiled caressing the boys flanks.

"Bear come?" When Haechan asked so sweetly the older just gave in.

As Haechan trotted behind his hooman Jaehyun drove Taeyong home. The red sting that connected Marks arm with the brunette was the only promise that no matter what happens the blondie won't loose his little bear.

"Lion sparkly fally!" Haechan pouted pointing at the necklace that fell down.

"Awwe. How did it break?" Mark picked it up as he put it around the boys neck again, fastening the lock with his teeth. As he stared lovingly at the small autistic beauty.

"Why do you bring this boy along with you always?!" Mina had to ruin his moment with his boy.

"Because I want to. If you are here to bad mouth Haechan then we might as well can stop being friends." Hissed Mark dragging Haechan with him.

It was at the time of his lectures that Haechan kept frowning at his answers. He didn't want to speak so he snatched the pen from Mark and difficulty scribbled the answer down in his messy shivering handwriting.

"Lion wrong. Bear right." Haechan whispered softly, he wasn't dumb now was he?

After class Mark laced their arms together, as they walked home hand in hand sharing the comfort of each others company. Haechan didn't have empathy, yet he knew this man next to him had a big heart. When they reached home, both their parents had left for work.

"Daddy where?" Haechan cuddled up on the couch.

"Work." Mark smiled at the beauty.

"Mommy where?" He asked again rocking himself back and forth.

"Work Teddy Bear. Let's eat." Mark brought the food that was left for them. The younger ate what was fed soundly, he was hungry.

"Lion not eat?" He fiddled with his stubby fingers avoiding those warm small eyes.

"I will. Now eat up! Awwe why are you so cute and messy?" Mark caressed Haechans chubby cheek, his thumb wiping those soft red plump lips. The brunette looked down, he didn't know how to react anymore.

Mark came close, still staring at those lips, they trembled, his face leaning closer to the boys face. Haechans stubby arms shook, his heart beating loudly at this sudden feeling he couldn't understand. Mark smiled at the goosebumps appearing on the boys soft skin as he lent more closer and closer, their lips just a string away from each other.

"Bear giv-" Haechans eyes grew big when Marks lips touched his, the older cradled his neck, the brunettes hands fell on either side lifelessly. The older softly moved his lips, but the younger didn't know what to do. He certainly could feel his breath stop.

"I-I'm........... I'm so sorry." Mark pulled away and realized his actions he looked so upset. But what hurt the most was Haechan just simply stood up and went upstairs. After all Autism didn't allow one to express or feel emotions. Even if they did it was either scattered or broken.

"I'm home viola!" Taeyong came inside like the diva he was.

"I kissed him." Mark mumbled making Taeyong trip on his feet and fell flat on the carpet. He tried to sit up and his pants tore, Jaehyun just then got off the car. What a awesome show.

"You did what?!" Taeyong whispered yeld at his son as he immediately sat on the couch pretending nothing happened.

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