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"Bear give?" Haechan pouted at his lover who made him wear his dress for the day. Mark had removed his necklace until he showers and that made the bear all pouty.

"What will you name our little lionybers?" Mark butterfly kissed those pouty lips.

"Uhh.......Uhhh.......H-Han.......Beary write. Me no no say." Haechan waddled to the table and with great difficulty wrote three names on the paper.

"Hmm......Haneul, Michael and Byeol? They are beautiful names. Did you yourself find them?" Mark got all emotional, the beary bounced seal clapping and nodded.

"Beary.........alone did. Beary feety hurty." Haechan sniffled looking down.

Haechan was seven months, extremely huge, weak and fragile, he could barely walk or use his trembling arms yet he always had that contagious smile on his lips, he had stopped being aggressive but he seemed to very horny at times and Mark found it so cute when his bear didn't know what to do.

"Beary........feely hotty........." The younger bit his lips when his lover made him wear a flimsy silk floral dress.

"Teddy we are already late." Mark patted the boy huge baby bump. Now he couldn't tell the one he loves that he won't even make it through the pregnancy, having sex was out of the question. The poor autistic beauty had been asking or more like whimpering for days yet the older didn't have the heart to give him pain.

"Liony......no why lovey beary?" The brunette whispered sitting on the bed because he could no longer stand.

Haechan wouldn't stop banging his head on the door, that small moment where Mark went to shower this boy started banging his head stubbornly on the door frame. The older sighed, he carefully guided the boy to the bed.

"After lionybers are born I'll love you okay. I promise with all my heart." Mark kissed Haechan deeply with everything he could offer.

Under a thousand tiny fairylights Haechan waddled through that night after the kiss, he had rubber scandles on, his baby bump huge, his arms hugging his babies as he squealed and seal clapped occasionally, he sat down the moment he saw the big Thorne, he wasn't strong enough to move anymore. On the seventh month of the boys pregnancy Mark threw a baby shower, also an engagement party. He didn't know if this beauty would survive the birth of three beautiful boys, he didn't want to imagine life without Haechan so he decided to marry him.

"Will beary marry Liony? So liony would be beary's forever?" Mark fell on one knee, their parents and Koeun stood at a fair distance with Herin.

"Bear give sparkly? Beary want! Want!" Haechan squealed giving out his shivering arm himself, usually Autistic children never initiated any movement first. Mark slipped the diamond ring on his stubby finger with a bright smile.

"Beary Liony uhhhh.......beary.......Tummy Hurty." The youngers lips quivered, indeed he was in pain, unbearable pain.

Taeyong was due before Haechan, yet every day was fearing as the gorgeous disabled boy waddled about slowly with his baby bump. He found it so hard to walk, to eat to drink, to even use the bathroom at times, he wanted Mark to always be with him. Which the older made sure he stayed with his baby bear.

"Mommy baby name what?" Haechans asked with a distant concentration.

"Sungchan. He's going to be gorgeous like your mommy. Jaehyuns too cute. I want a hot son." Taeyong giggled happily but Haechans eyes were empty, he didn't have strength to laugh. Thriplets for a disabled boy wasn't an easy joy to give birth too.

"Mom? Mom?! Why is he bleeding down there?!" Mark freaked out from the other couch. Taeyong looked between the beauty's thighs and the streaks of blood was alarming.

Bleeding through a pregnancy wasn't a Biggie, it usually happens a few times but the brunette was sick. It only made him weaker by the days that even a caesarean would be life threatening. The beauty lifted his shivering wrist up to trace Marks feathers for the first time, he was in pain, it was obvious for he grabbed the bed sheets very tight always.

"You are going to make it. We are going to make it through this together.  Two months more and they'll be born and you'll be free of pain." Mark sniffled leaning on his elbow so he could see his soon to be wife clearly. The beauty wiped the stray tear away with a smile.

Eight months, the most risk dwelled on that month, Haechan could have a preterm any minute, he might go into labour any second. They did come a long way, from saviour to baby sister to boyfriend to fiancé, and soon to be parents.

"Liony........Lionyber k-kicky M-Mommy." Haechan drew in harsh breaths his arm slowly slipping down to grab Marks shirt collar tightly.

"They love you that's why." Mark smiled kissing his sweaty forehead.

"L-Liony l-lovey B-Bear?" Haechan gasped for breath.

"With all my heart Teddy. I love you." Mark smooched those yummy red lips.

"I-I.......beary.......Me......uhhh Ummm......I love........I love you Mark." The brunette arched his hips in pain, he bit his lips. Tears trickled down his eyes, his feet kicked, the olders eyes grew big as he cupped those chubby cheeks.

"Mom!!! Dad!!!" Mark screamed as Haechan started twitching, he screamed out in pain, his water broke, he screamed a bloodcurdling scream, curling his body in pain.

"M-Mark.........don't.......l-leave beary." He started coughing, Jaehyun ran in, they carried Haechan downstairs to the car.

Marks world stopping spinning at the sight before him, Haechan literally already began giving birth in the car. Taeyong tried to comfort him but his senses weren't functioning. Not even a slight understanding was happening. His arms held Mark tightly, he kept pulling Mark closer as if he were afraid he might never see him again.

"Stay here." Jaehyun gestured Taeyong to hold the blonde as his beary was taken away.

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