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"Bear give?" Haechan pouted at the older boy who was about to wear a yellow hoodie.

"You want it?" Mark gave it to the rocking boy on the bed. Haechan happily wore it as he squealed at the older and ran downstairs to show his Daddy.

"Mom I'm taking him with me to class. I've missed so much so yeah." Mark came down in black denim and a yellow t shirt.

"But Mark he'll bring you trouble." Jaehyun looked worried as his son refused to wear his pants.

"He doesn't. Teddy come!" Mark gave his arm and the beauty immediately hugged it with a giggle.

"Wear something down. Hmm?" The older carefully told the boy.

"Bear no wanna!! Bear no wanna!!" Haechan refused to wear anything but the yellow hoodie that fell below his boxers.

Jaehyun saw how Mark made Haechan wear his shoes, carefully taking him outside with a soft smile. Taeyong waved at his son as he gave the man a cup of coffee. He had on shorts and a loose shirt but who the hell would think Jaehyun would get distracted?

"Aren't you late for work?" Jaehyun chuckled at Taeyong who choked on his coffee.

"I'm off today. Mr Jung! Aish!" Taeyong grumbled curling up on the couch to watch TV.

Haechan happily bounced after Mark, he sat on the boys lap, giggling out the bus window. His hair flying in all directions, he was aware that the olders arms were around his waistline as it slowly slipped down to his bare thighs.

"We need to get down." The older gently smiled at his Teddy Bear and they got off near the hospital.

"Bear feety hurty!" Haechan pouted at the older boy but ran after him just to cling onto his arm.

The boy sat very close to Mark at class, no one asked him who the boy was, nor did they have time for it. Haechans arms trembled so much he could barely hold a pen, he avoiding eye contact and the noise made him jitter with fear.

"Sleep on my shoulder. You'll feel better." Mark made Haechans head rest on his shoulder as he caressed the boys thighs until he fell asleep.

"So this is why you were avoiding me?!" Mina had to ruin the perfect moment after class finished.

"Yes. I've been busy." Mark packed his things with one hand for his baby Pudu was hugging the other.

"Busy dating a guy? I'm your best friend and you never hide anything from me?!" Mina looked so desperate that the older sighed with a frustrating groan.

"Bear pee!! Bear pee!!" Haechan sat up wiggling in a hurry. Mark held his arm and guided him to the nearest bathroom so he could go to. Mina followed without fail.

"What was that?! He's probably our age." She rolled her eyes, she drew in a deep breath as she held Marks hand.
"Stay with me please." She softly whispered.

"Mina he's an year younger, he's autistic and he's supposed to behave that way. We are friends nothing more. Why won't you get that?" Mark sighed feeling guilty.

"Beary's lion!! Shoo!" Haechan pushed  Mina away hugging the olders waist tightly.

"How dare you?! He's not yours!" Mina hissed at him as the boy started crying and screaming. Haechan ran off making Mark panick at the fact that he might get into trouble. He ran after him, successfully catching him in the hospital gardens.

That was it the moment Mark held him he was bitten on the neck hard and harshly, the younger bit him so hard but he couldn't scream for that would arise attention. The younger wouldn't let go, he was too upset and angry that Haechan vented it on Mark. The older carried him like a Koala despite his small teeth were digging into his neck.

"Mark!!!" Taeyong screamed the moment they came home, Haechan wouldn't let Mark go no matter how many times they tried to pull him away from him.

"Donghyuck! Let him go before Daddy gets angry!" Jaehyun snapped as Haechan let go immediately trying to leave, Mark held his stubby shivering wrist from running off and hiding. The older was in pain, the blood seeping out his neck.

"Daddy meanie with Beary." Haechan pouted sniffling, the both of them forgetting that two people were fussing around the boys bleeding neck.

Mark pulled Haechan making him fall on him, the younger blushed unconciously but the older started loosing his conscious, his arm caressing the beauty's chubby cheek. Jaehyun saw it all, so did Taeyong, or more like the mother knew it from the start. When Mark was placed in bed Haechan kept crying, sadly the poor boy didn't know why he was crying so much.

"Maybe I should take him away before  he hurts Mark more. Look at that bite it's dangerous. My son is dangerous." Jaehyun rubbed his face.

"No he isn't. He's the cutest little bear ever. You can stay with him as long as you like, it's okay. Don't ever say Haechan is dangerous, I'll kill you myself." Taeyong swatted the senior doctors head as Haechan waddled towards him with a pout.

"Mommy lion no uping." Haechan hugged the beauty.

"He's wake up in the morning darling. Why don't you go sleep with him so he won't be scard? Hmm?" Taeyong smooched Haechans forehead as the boy nodded waddling upstairs hugging his teddy bear and avoiding his father.

Mark did wake up at midnight to drink water, he scrunched his face in pain but smiled softly at Haechan hugging his side tightly. He had tear stained chubby cheeks, the older wiped the cheeks.

"Cutie pie." Mark giggled to himself as he tried to pull himself away from the boys arms only to wake him up. He ran to Mark, hugging him tightly.

"Hey I need to drink water. I'll be back soon. I promise." Mark rocked their frames together with a chuckle.

"Bear go!" Haechan bounced with a pout as Mark had to carry him too.

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