Chapter 10

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the door swings fully open and i look straight ahead to where Summer is. She looks bad, really bad.

"Hey Sum, how are you feeling?" i ask in a soft voice as i walk over to her side

"Hey Y/N/N, not too good right now" she replied in an even softer voice.

"Yeah, i can tell" i said and quietly laughed, trying to bring some happiness to the situation. "Do you need anything?"
i ask

"Just some rest for now" she replies

"Right, ill let you sleep then" i say with a smile and leave the room softly closing the door. it hurts to see her like this, she's such an active person i don't know how she'll deal with this.

the doctor comes over and lists off all the injuries she has
•Broken left arm
•Fractured ankle
•cracked rib
and pretty much bruised everything

"okay thanks" i tell the doctor when she finishes, 'oh gosh' i think, this is terrible.

——————-TIME SKIP———————

—-Thomas POV——

"I'm really worried about Y/N, She's not gonna handle this well" i tell Dylan

"yeah i was thinking that too"

"i better go check in on her, be back in a few" i say and get up to find her. I see a little shop in the hospital lobby and grab Y/N a donut and a small bee stuffed animal to try and cheer her up.

I finally find her at the end of a hallway staring out a window, "Hey! there you are, i got you these" i say handing her the stuff

"Aw thank you Thomas" She says taking the things

"How are you holding up?" i ask

"I'm okay, i'm just really worried about this" she says with a monotone voice

"Yeah i thought you'd be, this is a really bad situation to just suddenly happen" I say pulling her into a hug.

We stay like that for a while just holding eachother, Before long i can hear a faint sound of her crying and i pull her in tighter hoping she knows how much i care about her.

—————-TIME SKIP————-

Y/N pov

"Alright ill be back tomorrow to see how everything is, love you bye" i say in a soft voice as i leave Summers hospital room.
I decide that going home and getting some food and sleep would be good for me

"Okay i'm ready to go" i tell Thomas, we both walk out of the hospital and get back on his motorcycle.

As we drive i try to keep the thought in my head that she will be fine and heal up but i keep thinking what if she doesn't heal up and get better, what will i do then? I stare out at the quickly passing surroundings for the remainder of the drive home.

"Hey Y/N we're here" Thomas says softly
shaking me from a 'trance'

We both walk up to my apartment and i open the door to go inside, Thomas follows me in and takes his shoes and coat off.
He immediately goes to the kitchen to make me dinner because our picnic got interrupted.

"Hey Thomas you don't have to stay, you can go and rest back at home" I say to him

"No Y/N i wanna make sure you're okay and taken care of" he replies smiling warmly over at me



A/N sorry a shorter chapter this time :)
and thank you for almost 900 reads!

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