Chapter 8

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'Why the actual heck is Thomas texting me at 3 AM' I thought as I went to respond



Hello Thomas, Why are you texting me its 3 AM?

Just wanted to hear your voice

Thomas this is a message you can't hear me

Good point

Are you drunk Thomas?


Go to sleep


Gosh, Goodbye Thomas

Goodbye love


'What wonderful things I get up at 3 AM for' I thought and turned off my phone, Rolling over I shut my eyes and sleep once again.


The sun shined through my white curtains as my eyes fluttered open, "Ahh" I sighed Thursdays are wonderful. It's my day off. Looking at the clock it's already 9:40 and I get up and put on a robe walking out to the kitchen,  I grab a cup and put on the coffee machine. After a minute its done brewing and I pour a steaming cup of delicious caffeine and sit down on the couch.

I sit for a minute in silence sipping my coffee when my phone starts to ring

"Hello?" I ask answering the call

"Good morning Y/N" It was Thomas

"Hi Thomas I see you aren't drunk anymore"

"What the hell are you talking about?" he asks and I can hear the confusion in his voice

"You don't remember, You texted me at 3 in the morning drunk," I said laughing into the phone

"I did? Crap what did I say?"

"Nothing bad just that you wanted to hear my voice so I pointed out it was a message and you couldn't," I said still laughing

"Oh, well then. I had something to ask you," He said

"Yeah what was it?" I ask

"It's your day off correct?"

"Yep" I answer

"Okay, would you like to do something with me?"

"Like what?" I say slightly confused

"Just drive around, maybe grab some food" He replies

"Oh, Sure," I say nodding my head even though he can't see it

"Okay I'll pick you up in a few. See you soon" He says

"Bye" I reply hanging up 'Huh'  I think 'Did Thomas just ask me out? No, he likes someone else it's just a friendly thing.' standing up from the couch I go into my room to get ready. It was really nice out once again so I put on a light yellow dress and some tan sandals, I walk to the bathroom and curl my Y/H/C hair. I apply a little bit of makeup and nod approvingly at my reflection in the mirror. Going back to the living room I wait for Thomas to arrive.

Picture this (A Thomas Brodie Sangster imagine)Where stories live. Discover now