Chapter 3

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I pulled into my driveway and turned the car off after a long day of work and walked into the apartment building I live in, Grabbing the keys from my purse I unlock the door to my one bedroom home.

While not being the biggest space it was cozy and well decorated, taking off my boots and dropping my bag onto a nearby chair I sighed. Even though I love people I need a break sometimes, tonight however, I don't get much of one since its already 5:30 and the movie is at 8:30.

After changing into some comfortable clothes I went to the fridge and took out some leftover chinese takeout from the night before, I sat down on the couch and took out the book i'm currently reading. After a few chapters I looked over at the clock... 7:45! "CRAP" I said to myself and put a bookmark into the page.

Running into my room I started looking quickly through the contents of my closet to find a good outfit to wear, I decided on some jeans a striped sweater and some simple white shoes.

Running into my room I started looking quickly through the contents of my closet to find a good outfit to wear, I decided on some jeans a striped sweater and some simple white shoes

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Looking into the bathroom mirror I brushed through my hair and grabbed my purse from the front door, Making sure I got everything I walked out the door and locked it behind me. walking rather fast I got out to my jeep and grabbed my phone to quickly message Summer.

"Hey, I'm on my way i might be a few minutes late."

"Ok, No problem!🤗 I'm in line for the tickets so i'll just grab yours too. See you in a bit.

"K thanks, bye."

'Ok good' I thought and started driving to the theatre, Luckily it's only few minutes from my apartment so I got there fast and ran in locking the car behind me. Spotting Summer in line I walked over, "hey!" she said when I got to her "i'm gonna go grab the snacks." I say and walk over to the booth ordering two medium popcorns and two drinks.

 "Thanks" I say as the cashier hands me the food and I tap my credit card on the machine. Summer walks over holding our tickets so we hand them to a worker who tells us to go into room two, We come here quite often together so we have a special spot we always sit 

Row: A, Seats: 2 and 5. After setting our drinks down in the cupholders we open up our 3D glasses and put them on just as the previews begin.

 About halfway into the movie I glance over to my left and see two people sitting a few rows behind us, 'Hmm they look familiar' I think but refocus my attention back on the screen.

Summer POV

'I can tell Y/N likes Thomas a lot, Possibly due to the fact that she loves the character he plays in The maze runner but I think she likes him even more now that we met him' I thought while driving home from the Photoshoot, When i'm almost home I decide I want pizza so I turn right into a parking lot and run into a small pizza place. 

After about five minutes I walk back out to my car holding a fresh pizza that smells absolutely wonderful , Setting it down on the passenger seat I drive the few minutes back to the little house my older brother Tyler and I live in. 

"IM HOME!" I yell to Tyler who is most likely watching Tv in his room, I walk into the kitchen and set the food down on the counter as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. "Hey Sum, How was work?" Tyler asks as he opens up the box of pizza grabbing a slice, "Good, Y/N and I got to meet the actor who plays Newt" I replied. "Woah cool" He said with a impressed expression and started back in the direction of his room.

Once my pizza had been finished and after watching Tv for a while I went up to my room and got ready for the movie, I put on a pair of plaid pants a jean jacket and some brown boots. I Put my curled dirty blonde hair up into a high pony and applied some lip gloss while walking down the stairs.

 I Put my curled dirty blonde hair up into a high pony and applied some lip gloss while walking down the stairs

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"Bye!" I yell up to Tyler and step outside, The theatre is only two blocks from here and the weather is pleasant so I decide to walk. 

---------------------------Time skip-----------------------------

The lights slowly turn back on as the movie finishes, I look over at Y/N "That was pretty good!" she says with a smile and begins to gather her things. "Wait, lets see if there's a end credit scene" I say not moving from my seat, "Oh, right" Y/N replies and puts her purse back down. 

After a few minutes of credits most of the people have left the theatre but Y/N, Me and two others sitting a few rows back still sit waiting. Soon the last words roll across the screen and one more scene comes on, "I'm glad we stayed, That was hilarious!" Y/N said while laughing "Yeah me too" I said laughing along with her.


Summer and I stood and gathered our things and started walking down the stairs, The two others behind us did the same. They both had dark hoodies on with the hoods pulled up hiding their faces but a soon as one of them spoke I knew exactly who it was.

 "Thomas?" I said turning around to face him. "Y/N what are you doing here?" he asked with his warm accent. taking his hood down so I could see his face "Summer and I came to see the movie" I replied with a smile.

The other person beside Thomas took off his hood as well revealing DYLAN FREKIN O'BRIEN! I immediately looked right at Summer (She has had a HUGE crush on him since... always basically) I could tell she wanted to pass out right on the spot but she kept a smile on her face and introduced herself to him. 

I walked up to Thomas as Summer nervously talked to Dylan, "Nice disguise" I said while giggling 

"Why thank you Y/N" He replied while winking, 'Dang' you thought but shook it off. "Summer we should get going, work tomorrow." I said interrupting her and Dylans conversation "Right" she said looking over at me but quickly back to Dylan "It was nice to meet you Summer" Dylan said, "You too" she replied keeping cool.


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