Chapter 4

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Thomas POV

"We should get going" Y/N tells her friend Summer who's talking to Dylan

 "Here we can walk you out" I say to Y/N with a smile 

"Oh no were fine" Y/N says looking to Summer who has a different opinion

"Well they're going the same way Y/N" Summer says with a pleading expression

"Yeah alright let's go" Y/N replies

So we all walk together towards the exit, Before they can open the doors I look to my right and see a sign that says 'ARCADE' and points to a door. "Hey wait, Look" I say as they all stop and turn, "Follow me" I say with a grin.

"Ok, where are we going" Y/N asks confused as they all walk behind me,

I point up to the sign and open the door revealing a bright room filled with arcade machines and various other games. "Thomas I don't know it's late and we have work tomorrow" Y/N says with a torn look on her face. Dylan walks right past into the room "Awesome" he exclaims, With Summer following close behind. 

"Alright fine" Y/N says since we were all already inside, She walks up to me and we go to buy some tickets. 


After playing some games and having the sweet victory of beating Thomas we were both sat at a table waiting for the nachos we ordered, "See that wasn't so bad was it?" Thomas says laughing 

"Yeah I guess it was alright" I reply sarcastically "They look like they're having fun, Eh?"I say to Thomas pointing over at Dylan who was handing a stuffed animal he won to Summer.

"Definitely" he said smirking, Just then a waitress came over and placed down our food. I being 'a hungry nacho lover' immediately started eating and getting out money to pay, "Oh, don't worry love I got it" Thomas said paying. 'Wait a second, Did he just call me love?' I thought confused. 

Thomas paused realizing what he'd said and turned away to hide the fact that he was blushing, *Ahem* I cleared my throat as we sat in a awkward silence. Luckily Summer and Dylan walked over and started to eat.

-------------------------Time Skip-------------------------

Once our food was gone we stood grabbing our bags and pushing the chairs back to the table, Dylan ran ahead to get the door for Summer which earned a simultaneous "Awwww" from Thomas and I. Walking out the door and towards my car I thanked the guys for a fun night and got into my jeep,  Summer started to walk back to her house when Dylan stopped her "Hey let me give you a ride, it's pretty cold out now." Agreeing right away Summer got into his car and they drove off. 

Waving bye to Thomas I headed home too, 'I wonder why Thomas called me love' I thought 'probably just an accident anyway'. Soon I turned off the jeep having arrived home and walked into my apartment. Changing into some pajamas I flopped down on my bed thinking about all that had happened, In one day Summer and I met Thomas Brodie-Sangster AND Dylan O'Brien then proceeded to "hang out" with them. 'WOW' was my only thought as I set my alarm for tomorrow and fell into a deep peaceful sleep.


My alarm went off waking me from my dreams, Quickly shutting it off I grabbed my phone to message Summer but saw there was already one from her

Y/N     Summer

OMG did that all actually happen!!!

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