Chapter 6

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Once we dried off from swimming in the pond we packed up the picnic blanket and food,

 "Hey Y/N" I heard Thomas say while shutting the trunk of his car

 "Yeah, What's up?" I ask turning to face him.

 "Could I have your phone for a moment?" He says holding out his hand,

 "Umm, Sure why?" I ask handing him my phone "No reason" he replied typing something on it. 

A few seconds later he passed it back "there you go" he said smiling 

"What did you do?" I asked while putting it into my pocket "Oh nothing" he said still grinning. 

After a few minutes we were all packed up and ready to go, I walked over and sat down in my jeep as Summer said goodbye to Dylan. Thomas came over and set his arm on my rolled-down window 

"I'll see you tomorrow for the shoot Y/N, And thanks for coming today I had fun," he said looking at me with his dark hazel eyes

 "I had fun too, And yes I'll see you at the shoot" I replied smiling.

Summer walked over and got in the passenger side as I rolled up my window, I put the car into reverse and backed out of the parking lot. I had to drop off Summer first since we drove together, 

"You and Dylan seemed to be getting along well," I said laughing

 "We were just talking" She replied but I could see her blush. 

Soon I was saying goodbye as Summer walked into her house and I started on my way back home, While driving down the road as the sun started to set I began thinking of Thomas. 'Why would he set up that whole picnic and invite Summer and I if he's with Lotus? And what did Lotus think of him doing all that?' I didn't understand and that bothered me. 

Putting the car into park I stepped out and walked into the building, grabbing my keys I unlocked the door to my apartment and went inside closing it behind me. After changing into some comfortable clothes I grabbed a snack from the kitchen though I was still full from lunch,  Sitting down on the couch I heard a message sound from my phone and pulled it out but I didn't recognize the number.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who is this? 

It's Thomas

Oh hey, How did you get my number??

I put it in earlier when I asked for your phone

Ohh that makes sense, What's up?

Nothing much just texting you.

No way same!

What a coincidence! 

Haha, Last day of the shoot tomorrow u exited?

Yeah, Do you know where it will be done?

I think we're shooting on the roof of a building or something 

Oh cool that sounds fun

Yeah, Sure does :) Well better go I gotta clean up  

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