Chapter 2

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Thomas POV

Her Y/H/C hair sparkled in the sunlight and the soft breeze from closing the door blew it slightly back revealing beautiful Y/E/C eyes, I immediately walk over and introduce myself. "Hi i'm Thomas" I say shaking her hand as she looks up from her phone, "Nice to meet you Thomas, I'm Y/N" she replied with a smile. 'Y/N'  I thought as my agent Lotus called me over 'what a lovely name'.


"Coming!" Thomas said in his charming british accent while turning away from me, I felt my cheeks blush and I looked back to Summer. 'How could someone be so... so attractive' I thought in a daze, "Hello, Anyone home!" Summer said as she waved her hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times before focusing again, "Sorry" i muttered and began drinking my coffee. 

Everything was set up so I sat down in a chair waiting till others were ready to begin, I looked over at Thomas who was getting his hair fixed and he glanced over at me and smiled with his dark brown eyes glinting in the artificial light. I quickly looked away feeling slightly embarrassed and took out my phone, I started scrolling through Instagram when I came across a picture of The Maze Runner Cast. Those were some of my favourite movies.

 "Wait a second" i mumbled under my breath looking back and forth from my phone to Thomas. 'HOLY CRAP' I thought 'THAT'S NEWT' I waved for Summer to come and look at my phone, "How did we not notice!" i said very confused. "I don't know but, AWESOME" she replied with a huge grin on her face. 

Thomas POV

I  went over to where Lotus had called and sat down as someone began to fix up my hair, Feeling eyes on me I turned and saw Y/N staring at me I smiled as her cheeks flushed pink and she quickly looked away, just as i was almost ready I saw Y/N waving her friend over and pointing to something on her phone. They both had VERY stunned expressions looking from the phone to me, "Alright Mr Sangster you're all done" the person working on my hair said while setting their things onto a table. 

Getting up I went over to Y/N and her friend to see what was so confusing, "Hey, Everything alright?" I asked. Looking up with a surprised face Y/N replied saying "Of course, w-why wouldn't it be?" she stuttered, "You both seemed very confused that's all" i answered, neither of them said anything just weirdly smiling and looking back to the phone. 'Hmm strange' I thought and turned away walking towards Lotus 


"Everyone ready?" Mercedes asked "Let's get started" I walked over to my camera that had been set up earlier as Thomas made his way over till he was standing in front "Could you sit on that chair please?" I said to Thomas, "Ok put your hand on your knee, and to look over to the left" I directed as he followed the instruction. I began snapping pictures as he made slight movements changing into different poses, Using different angles to capture every moment.

 After a while someone called a break and we all grabbed some water, Or in my case cold coffee, Setting down my drink I started looking through all the pictures I had taken and deleting all the really bad ones. 'Though no picture of him could be BAD' I thought but quickly stopped myself 'He's a famous actor and I am just a photographer STOP thinking that, Plus i'm at work' I told myself. 

"Wow those are amazing" a british voice said from behind me, I looked back and realized it was Thomas. "Oh thanks" I replied blushing once again, "May I?" He asked holding out his hand "Sure, go ahead" I answer passing him the camera, "You really have talent Y/N" he said glancing up from the screen. "Why thank you mr Sangster" I said jokingly. 

After the short break I went back to taking photos and examining the good and bad ones, Soon everyone decided that was enough for the day and started cleaning up all the equipment. Summer and I had made plans to go out and see a movie that night so I walked over to where she was standing.

 "Hey Sum, what time does the movie start again?" I asked. "Ummm 9:00 I think" she replied, "Ok let's meet there at 8:30 so we can get popcorn before it starts" I tell her, "Ok sounds good, see you then!" she said as she picked up her bag. I waved as she got into her car and I went to gather my things.


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