Chapter 1

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    Y/N POV  


"Ugh" you groaned and rolled over as your alarm went off, Reaching your hand lazily out of the blankets to press snooze. Just as you were going to stop the horrible noise your best friend Summer messaged you.     

"HEY, good morning Y/N! Don't forget to be here by 9:30 for the shoot, If you're late again Mercedes will be VERY mad. See you in a bit! bye"

'CRAP' you thought remembering you have to go work early today,  you worked as a photographer and you had a big shoot today for some famous actor. Hopping up out of bed you grabbed a towel and walked to the bathroom to shower, when you were done you curled your Y/H/C hair, put on some jeans , a white off the shoulder blouse and some brown lace up boots. after applying a bit of mascara, cover up and red lipstick you got your keys and went out to your light blue jeep and started on your way to Starbucks.

 The lady at the drive thru handed you your regular order of a salted caramel mocha and a strawberry cake pop, Glancing down at your phone you realize it's already 9:25! You arrive out front of the building and run inside, "Sorry!" you say to your boss Mercedes as you set down your coffee. "Seriously Y/N, this is your last warning . Don't be late again" she replies, you look over at Summer with a nervous expression and she laughs. "I texted to remind you not to be late! yet you are still late, what can i say i'm not surprised."  Summer says with a grin on her face "HEY i went as fast as i could" you reply acting annoyed, you hand a coffee to Summer that she asked you to grab and you both get to work setting up your cameras and equipment.

 After about 30 minutes you hear a car pull up out front and a tall blonde boy steps out wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket, Another person steps out of the car and they both walk into the room.

Thomas POV

After a rushed morning i step into a car along with my agent and she starts driving us towards the photoshoot i have booked today, I roll down the window as we drive along the highway and the sun shined down on me. Feeling slightly blinded i took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on to shield my eyes from the bright sun. at about 10:00 we rolled to a stop in front of a tall red brick building and walked inside through the glass doors, I looked around and saw a few people setting up lights and drinking some coffee. Then i saw her. 

      END OF PART ONE (this is my first ever story sorry if its bad) :D

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