1) Dawn of the Final Day (Lucina POV)

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Ugh— is it really the last day of summer? To think it only started around two and a half months ago. Guess time really does fly when you're actually enjoying yourself away from the prying eyes of your noisy peers. If I'm going to be honest here, I'm most definitely not looking forward to my junior year of high school. Well— truth to be told, it's not that I don't hate school. In fact, I don't actually mind it one bit but going through the same old melodrama over and over kind of gets repetitive after awhile. From the mindless gossip to the over-exaggerated dilemmas of teenage angst and drama, I just want it to be done and over with it all already.

Needless to say, I'm thankful the nightmare itself is almost over. Just two more years left and I'll finally be free from Gloria High School! While I will be bummed because I won't be able to see some of my friends anymore, at least I won't have to deal with the likes of annoying jerks like Wario alongside the nauseating pettiness of Malon and Ruto. Oh boy— just the thought of them is enough to make me feel queasy. I wouldn't usually be droning on and on about this unnecessary histrionics but unfortunately the house is much more quiet than usual, probably because my older brother is currently at work. This also explains why our butler Frederick was also gone for the time being. Ever since Chrom almost crashed the BMW he was gifted for his 17th birthday, both Frederick and my older sister Emmeryn have been really hesitant about letting him drive anywhere.

"Well, there's no use spending the last day of summer vacation moping around in bed all day. The last thing I need to lament about is getting up at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning."

I rose up from the warmth and comfort of my own bed and made my way towards my desk, which was neatly organized and full of various literary works in alphabetical order alongside a navy blue pencil case and a metal cream triple tray organizer full of notes from past lectures. Pressing the power button on my laptop, immediately I'm greeted with the starting screen which quickly transitioned into the login page. After entering my four digit passcode, without second thought, I double clicked both Chrome and Discord. Immediately my blue eyes scanned through my friends list to check who's online. Once they locked on to a certain you know who, my lips curled upwards with adoration as I clicked on their name and began typing.

Hi Robin!

Believe it or not, Robin and I go waaaay back. I actually met him through Chrom when I was only in the first grade (both Chrom and Robin are actually seniors this year. Wild, I know). The two just happened to have a class with one another and clicked instantly, almost as if fate had destined for them to become fast friends. From there, the three of us were completely inseparable. To admit... Robin is kind of— no, scratch that— he's really cute. There's something about his charm I just can't explain. But... would it be strange to harbor feelings for your brother's best friend? Sometimes life is much more complicated than it seems.

The next thing I knew, my train of thoughts were interrupted by the notification sound. Thanks Discord, I really needed that.

Ey Luce! What's up?

Nothing much. You?

I'm doing good, thanks for asking. 😊 I'm not going to lie, I'm definitely not looking forward to my senior year.

Just reading his response caused me to smile even harder. Gosh this loveable dork just knows how to make me so happy.

Oh thank gods! I feel the same way about my junior year honestly. Well, on the bright side, at least we're almost done.

True, true. :v

Anyways, changing the subject, what are you currently doing?

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