Part 1

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It was night. It was getting cold. I've been walking around all over trying to find something, anything. I haven't slept well, too worried about what I need to have. I can just feel the need for it. I've been scratching, I have red marks all over my arms. Cars drive buy, it slightly mists, I'm starting to get impatient. It usually isn't this hard to find something. I've searched. All my people I usually go to say that's it's just dry right now. Not that I have the money to pay for it anyway. I would deal with that part later. There's nothing here, this place is slowly dying. Well, my part of town anyway. I was gonna walk to see if one of my "Friends" a couple miles down had anything. He was a good guy, I've paid him off in my own way since I didn't have money. I would gladly do it again as well. I began my walk. I knew I wouldn't make it there anytime soon. I would probably make it there by 3:30. We're talking AM here. I have no money for a bus, and no one will give me a ride. I'll get there eventually.

So I got here a little later, 4:00. Eh, it doesn't matter. I see some lights on and hopefully he'll have something good. I think he will, I see a car park in the front. Either a customer, or he's getting some more shit. I went up and knocked on his door. I didn't hear anything. I grew impatient very fast. I knocked louder. "SHIT!" I heard. He must already be doing something. I heard footsteps grow louder.

"Who is it?!" He yelled loudly. I got excited!

"It's Aniia!" I heard locks unlock, chains get twisted, and finally his door opened and showed his face.

"Hey! Well look at you, you got marks all over you honey!" he noticed my scratches on my arms, and my jitterness. I smiled up at him. "Come on in, I just got a fresh deilvery!" I egerly went inside. I could smell something going on in here. I looked over at the couch, there was a man in a black trench coat. He had a smoke in his hand. I saw the table where they were fixing it up at. "Go pop a squate next to my man over there. He brought some nice shit." I smiled at him and made my way over to the couch and sat next to this man. He shut the door and made his way over to us.

"Hi..." I said to the man I'm sitting beside. He turned his head and looked over at me. A grin appeared on his face.

"Hello," He lifted his hand out. I'm not used to shaking peoples hands. I was a little hisitant. I lifted my hand to shake his. He gently swept it up, and placed a soft kiss on top. He let go and I quickly snatched my hand away and tried not to blush. It didn't work. I saw him grin out of the corner of my eye.

"Don't kill her Will." Jay laughed. "She just isn't used to gentlemen" he laughed again and looked down and the spoon on the table. He was mixing something up for us. I couldn't really tell with the lighting.

"I didn't mean to startle you." Will looked over at me. I looked down and rubbed my neck, then I started scratching.

"I-It's okay. Jay's right, I'm not used to people actually being nice." He nodded his head and I saw Jay stick the needle into the spoon and cotton ball. I was getting excited. I saw Will look over at me with a strange face. "J-Jay? Would you mind if I had the first shot? I've been looking around all day for anything. I haven't found shit, and I've just been getting excuses from people. I feel like I'm gonna rip my skin off." I looked over at him with pleading eyes. I saw him smirk, I knew he was probably gonna ask. I didn't have anything else to give.

"Well, if you can pay me like you did last time, it's fine with me." His smirk grew bigger. No, I didn't enjoy having sex to pay for my drugs, but what else was I to do? I looked down and nodded my head.

"How about I'll just give you some more Jay, will the makeup for her first go?" I shot my head up and looked at Will. Did I hear something wrong? I'm very confused. I'm sure my brain was not together. Jay looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. He motioned his head towards the kitchen. Will got up and Jay followed. I saw the needle laying on the table. Why did this have to happen now? And why the hell did Will do that exactly? I watched them disappear. I was very eager to shoot myself. I was on edge. I waited though, I didn't want to get caught and then have to do the bidding of Jay. After a couple minutes Will returned from the kitchen. "Jay is putting his "stuff" up." Will continued my way and sat by me.

"Umm, I don't really know what to say. I don't know why you did that. Thank you, thank you a lot." I smiled at him slightly.

"Look," he turned to me. It shocked me, and I jumped slightly. I hope it wasn't noticeable. "I know you don't have the money, and I know you don't wanna fuck that guy. I wouldn't fuck that guy, okay?" I looked at him so shocked. Jay was a good guy, but I honestly did not wanna fuck him. Last time was awful and I just laid there till he was done.

"Thank you again." He nodded.

"No mention it." I stared at the needle on the table. He looked at me. "You haven't done this shit yet?" I looked up at him.

"No, I haven't. I didn't know if I should wait or not." He reached out for my arm and looked at it. I blushed at him. I'm not someone who gets touched gently, or cared for honestly. I know this person doesn't care for me, but I'm just speaking in general. He tied my arm off and was popping me, looking for a vein. He found one and slowly put the needle in. It didn't hurt, I was used to this. I still didn't know exactly what I was taking. I usually just do whatever, but the strengths I get are usually low. He pushed on the needle and injected the stuff into my vein. He untied my arm and I could feel it making its course through my arm. I smiled at the relief. No more jittering, no more scratching, just complete calmness. I opened my eyes and saw Will's face.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked with a sligt grin.

I smiled a huge smile. "Yes! I haven't been able to get anything in so long. I don't know how to repay you!" I looked at him and smiled. Then I thought of the words that flew out of my mouth, and at the same time I didn't care. I felt too good.

"You don't have to do anything." he reassured me "If you didn't get something soon you would've scratched till you bled." I giggled.

"I probably would've" I laughed. He looked at me strangly. I saw Jay walk in and look at us.

"Did she already do some?" He asked.

"Yeah," Will said. "I guess she hasn't had it in quite some time. She looks like she feels good." Jay nodded and sat down. Picked up a different needle and drew it up for him. I just laid there and was engrossed in how amazing I felt. I was on a cloud. I didn't have a care in the world. My eyes were closed. I started leaning and leaning until I fell over. I landed on something kinda soft. I couldn't really open my eyes. I heard murmurs, and a chuckle here and there. I opened my eyes slightly to see if I could see anything. I saw an outline of a face. I couldn't really make out who it was. Who was I sitting beside. Which way did I fall exactly. I don't really care right now. Then I felt that feeling, like I was on a puffy cloud getting carried away. I got so carried away until I finally just let the darkness consume me into unconscious.

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