Part 5

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I could hear noises but I didn't want to get up. I was so warm and comfortable, please stop making those sounds. It didn't want to stop. I rolled over and saw a door. I looked around on saw the walls. I wasn't in the same place. I watched the door open and behind it came out William. His hair was wet, and there was a towel draped around his waist. My eyes grew wide and I realized I must've fell asleep in his room last night after we did the heroin. Did he sleep in here last night? I don't remember too much. I closed my eyes and hoped he didn't see me awake. I felt my cheeks heating up at what I just saw. Please do not let my face turn bright red. I heard shuffling and I was afraid to peek my eyes open. I cracked my eyes just enough to get a glimpse and I saw he had on pants. I rolled over in the bed to the other side so maybe he would think I was waking up. I started grunting and sounding like I was slowly waking up.

"Ughh...what time is it?" I said aloud 'waking up'. I turned my head around and he was buttoning his shirt. I looked startled. "William...?" I said.

"Ah, you're finally awake." He looked up at me. His eyes caught me off guard and I looked away fast. I faked a yawn.

"Why am I in here?" I was playing so dumb. I don't even know why, I felt like I just got nervous for no reason. I couldn't help it at this point. He smirked.

"We shot up last night and you passed out." He was putting on his shoes and sitting on the bed.

"Oh," I rubbed my eyes. I watched him and couldn't figure out what to do.

"Would you like to accompany me to some coffee?" He asked and my head shot up at him. His eyes stared into me. I nodded my head.

"Sure," Then I remembered I didn't have any clothes. "Um, do you have anything I can borrow?" I asked. He nodded and headed to his closet. He pulled out a small looking shirt, and some jeans he had.

"These are women's jeans. Sometimes I like to wear really tight pants." He handed it all to me and i walked into the room I was staying in and started to get dressed. These fit pretty decent. I put on my shoes and walked down stairs. He was there waiting for me. We walked out the door and he started walking down the road. It wasn't that far from his house. We walked in, he ordered for us and we sat down. I held it to my hands since it was so warm. He already started drinking his and I didn't understand how. I looked out of the window and saw that not many people were out. It wass very cloudy, and and it looked almost  night. He was looking out as well, He shifted his head towards me. I looked down.

"Don't look away." I panicked.

"I can't look you in the eyes." I told him truthfully. I felt my head being raised up by his fingers. He stopped once we met eyes. "I can't." I told him and looked down again. "I'm not used to someone actually paying attention to me, okay? It's a strange feeling."

"You won't feel like that soon." I looked up confused and he was leaning in. He was staring right into me. I couldn't move. He slowly touched his lips to mine and I was so taken back. He leaned back and our lips were separated. He got up and took my hand. I got up with him and he locked his hand with mine. I wasn't in control of what I was doing because I was so confused. He walked out the door and down a few steps. He went back into this small alley and I was just following. He turned around and was facing me. I just watched him. He pulled me into him and walked me back up against a wall. It was cold to my back. He crashed his lips into mine and put my head in his hand. My head pressed against his and against the wall. The force that was sent. His other hand around my back. He let his lips go of mine and kissed my cheek and kissed my neck. He pulled back some and looked at me. I was speechless. He kissed me one last time and let me go. I was against the wall, unable to move an inch.

"Let's go back. I don't want you getting sick out here." I was in shock and couldn't move. He grabbed my hand and I followed him home.

(William Control) Kiss me, JudasWhere stories live. Discover now