Part 10

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The car was moving, I could hear the engine humming. I opened my eyes to be greeted with the asphalt moving behind us. I turned my head and saw William driving still. I saw how he was focused. I looked at him a little longer and remembered how he looked last night. His features are so breath taking. I blinked and saw his face turn towards me. I felt my heart rush.

"Good morning." William said to me. He grinned just the slightest and turned back to the road ahead. I felt my heart beat rushing.

"Hey..." Is all I could get out of my mouth. I watched other cars go by. I kept thinking about it and how I was falling for William. It was like that at first. He was attractive, but that was it. He's been so nice to me. Worrying about me, supplying me with drugs of every nature. And I noticed how since I've been with him, I haven't worried much about it. I didn't want to fall for him, but that wasn't something I could help. I blew the kiss off, and tried not to think twice about it. I didn't want to. I didn't want to be falling for anyone. I glanced over at him. Why was I doing this to myself.

"We'll be at his place in about 8 more hours." That made me terrified. I don't know what's going to happen, or what he's going to do. Does he really know what he's going to do? I felt the anxiety building up from all of this. I needed to calm myself down but I didn't know how to.

"Are you okay?" William must've saw my face.

"I think so." I told him, and, myself. I was trying to keep a clear head and hope for the best. I saw his arm move, and there was his hand coming towards me. This did not help with how I was feeling. He slid his hand with mine and I thought I was going to pass out.

"The touch of someone sometimes helps." He gripped my hand a little tighter. I gripped back scared out of my mind. I turned my head to look out the window. I couldn't look at him or my hand. He just kept his hand with mine. I didn't move or say a word; and neither did he. We've been a couple a miles since then, and I could feel myself calming down some. "Are you feeling any better?" William asked me. I nodded my head since I still couldn't make myself talk. The silence came upon and I could feel myself feel so much better. I slowly let go of his hand, I didn't want to scare him while he was driving.

"Thank you, I feel better." I looked down at my lap since I didn't know where else to look.

"No problem dear." I felt my cheeks blush. I turned towards the window again and looked out while he played songs on the radio and silently hummed along to it.

(William Control) Kiss me, JudasWhere stories live. Discover now