ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8; ᴜɴᴅᴇʀꜱᴛᴀɴᴅɪɴɢꜱ

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A/n Yay, the next chapter is here welp hope you enjoy

Our dumbass protagonist is not dense but just your average dumbass....

Maybe not average though....

Hope you enjoy!



Tanjiro's POV

The last thing I remember is being knocked out by Giyu...now I have no clue where I am.

Reader POV

The air smells of perfectly cooked fish alongside the fresh smell of cut pine. The air warm with a hint of a cold breeze, broke threw the barrier. In the middle of the room stood a fire dancing along the walls. Embers ignite, pushing into the sky only to fall back to the cold ground. The cold stone walls surrounding the three, they were in a cave. The smell of fresh cut pine was emitting from the entrance. That said entrance had pine branches covering it, blocking out most of the light. Opening his eyes slightly, ever so slightly, Tanjiro saw a girl. She had peach eyes, blue hair that somehow produced an ombré effect turning pink, plump lips, and a silent demeanor. Tanjiro waking up however, did not go unnoticed by the mysterious girl.

Back to Tantan

When I went to get up, I felt like something was off. I felt these fur blankets directly touching my skin. Worriedly, I started to piece things together. I looked down to see myself naked. For crying out loud I don't even have underwear on!

I start to feel myself blush madly. There was only one person who could have done this. The culprit had to be the girl in front of me. To think she stripped me and saw my........

Right before I was able to confront he she started talking,

"Are you ok? Why are you red tomato-kun?"

"M-my clothes, can I have my c-clothes...?"

"Ara ara, sorry but they are soaking wet from the snow. Soaked through, if you continued to wear that you might catch disease. Oh.... so that's why you are embarrassed, because I saw that?"

I noticed where she was pointing, and I couldn't help but blush madly.

I looked around to see Nezuko, she is also in this precarious situation. All though Nezuko was not awake yet. Making me not worry as much at the moment. First, I need to figure out who this woman is....

From what I can tell, 1. she seems to have a sword, 2. is physically built, but 3. she has a mysterious aura around her. I can smell her pent up emotions towards something. She almost seems to be emotionless in a way, but not completely nothing. She seems to have lost them, but she had them originally. I feel sad at what she probably experienced. She must be so lonely like this... I want to befriend her, but first to know her name.

"Uhhhm miss, what is your name?"

"Oh, My name is Setsumi Fuyu, and you naked stranger?"

I can't believe I blushed again!

"I am Kamado Tanjiro, nice t-to meet y-you."

"So....Kamado kun, can you tell me why you were collapsed in the snow?"

"Ohhhh, uh my sister and I were attacked. The guy wanted to kill my sister, and I was defending her. I was knocked out in the process. It seems he let us live."

"Is the reason you were attacked have anything to do with why you are covered in blood-"

I looked up at her, I felt like I was about to cry. She saved me, so she has the right to know. I just feel like I-

The Pillar of death (𝕯𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔫 𝕾𝔩𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯 𝔵 𝕽𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Where stories live. Discover now