Chapter 9; Memory of a man pt. 1

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A/N I was very much grounded just ask Editor-Chan

(Unedited, rushed)

"Hey Tanjiro, can I join you on your journey for a little while?"

Your POV

Wtf this act is giving me a headache. I am so good at acting innocent and good it's annoying.  I want to sleep so bad. I do the dirty work for the corps though, it's not really a problem. I don't like the idea of keeping him alive no matter what. Helping people is just a pain, but I have to continue. I am demon slayer corp's weapon, I am a tool for this war. I don't take sides, I just follow the person who gave me a purpose. I still will kill humans, but his orders are absolute. Kaguya, I wonder if you are antsy right now. You are always relieved when I come back home. I wonder why you care so much because I just don't understand why. My feelings towards you are just loyalty, I never learned how to love- what's the word, oh yeah parents. I never had parents or anybody who cared for me. 

Why would anyone care about me?

I am just a tool, a means to an end.

I was given a purpose.

I have a person to kill, a revenge, and one request for me to kill.

I want to torture douma...... he will  be my kill .

Afterwards what would I do other than die, I mean I will only live to 25...

I might as well slit my own throat after the battle.... if I don't use  that breath....

How did I learn it, well it went like this....


Second mission: Twin demon typhoons completed 

I was on my way back to the corps, when I came across an old man. With a blue sword at his side, a navy blue haori, and an old kitsune mask, he was obviously a demon slayer. The man in question though almost looked too fatigued to stand as hashira. I wasn't trying to be stealthy, so I guess he just noticed me.... 

"Come over here child, your staring makes me feel older than I am."

"How can starring make you feel older?"

"Because I know you thought I was but a brittle old man, but you see I am a retired hashira. I am patrolling for small fries right now."

The man in question flexed his nonexistent muscles, making me sweat drop. That was until he told me this...

"You know what, I can prove it, just watch!"

"You have too much energy old man"

"T_T then just come back to my place"

"Stranger danger"

"Couldn't you kill me if you wanted to?"

"I very well could, don't try to boost my ego!"

"Did it work?"

".......... Yes..."

"Ok then it's settled you are coming to my place"

*Some annoying walking later*

"I want to teach you something"


"Only use this as a final resort you can only use this form once"

"What happens if I use it"

" That's simple, you will die"




The training chapter mini background arc begins time-skips are coming soon 



Octopus tastes good 100% recommend


Willow Senpai out~

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