Memory of a man pt. 2

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   The further she went into the woods, the further a deep depression fell apron the land. The trees bathed in sweet starlight and a void of dreariness at the same time. The more she walked, the more she felt the weight of an underlining hopelessness, as if she was being judged; she was being judged for her sins. Her body told her to leave, run, and never turn back. Her mind however, the devils advocate, decided to follow the man and reject the primal instinct. Ever since the comment, "it's simple, you will die," a quietness set upon the duo. This was right before the forest started to reject her, to keep her out. Forests can't be sentient, can they? But this feeling made her feel like they could, could they feel more emotion, empathy, and love then her. The answer is yes, whole ecosystems are connected, why couldn't they have emotion too?

   All thoughts subsided soon, the aforementioned forest slowly started to become denser, and a sort of heavy pestilence lay waste to the clean air and wildlife, if there was any to begin with. Breathing in one simple breath of air felt as if a thousand daggers and needles went down her throat. Although sad to say, for some(not her), this isn't the first time she felt this feeling. Even though her throat was closing up as she walked, she did not mind, for she has felt it all before.

   That was the point the whole forest shifted, as her skin was shown a warm, peaceful, itchy glow. The smell of fresh wisteria envelopes (y/n)'s nose, as the sun finally shown from the sky. No matter what changed, however, she feels more on edge than ever before. Strange, right, how a beautiful place covered in so many beautiful blues and purples whimsically dangling from the trees can make her uncomfortable. More uncomfortable that watching people be eaten, her killing people, loss of cognitive emotion, and overall indifference. The breeze felt as if a sword cut into her throat, toxic almost, bringing her back to reality.

"So you made it all the way here, wasn't expecting that. The forest spent so much time trying to reject you, (y/n) (l/n). That is how all the trials go, perseverance is key for not failing. But for what you seek as reward, follow me."

His left hand waved in the air, signaling for her to follow.  There lay wait a large, gold leaf, jade scroll the size of a tanto sword, in a glass case. Glass is very expensive, how could he afford that?

  "You need to make a blood pack with the scroll"

"A blood pack?"

"Yes, a blood pact."




"For Fucks Sake yes.... Now listen"
" Girl... do you believe in the Goddess of Death, that there is a god who controls it all."

"Never really thought of it, actually."

" Well by completing this contract, you are signing a pact with her. She gives you special abilities at the price of you becoming her servant, like her vassal. You will still have free will, but will do what she orders without questions asked. By signing the Mr. Ushibaki will no longer be your master, for the goddess is yours over all else."

This didn't sit right with her, as by signing this is becoming a servant to a supposed God, and giving her undying loyalty not only to someone else, but to someone she had never met. But what choice does she have, will she ever get this opportunity again?

" Will this help me with the revenge I seek?"

" probably"

" there has got to be more strings attached to this"

" other than selling your soul? Actually, there are but that comes later."

" This isn't compromising my freedom"


"Why me? Why choose me to be the next vassal? Someone who has never met you before."

" the energy of death seeps from your soul, you really think it is a coincidence your breath form in the Breath of Death? You were chosen before you ever set foot in this forest, you were set on trial just to prove that. You have no fear of death, even welcome the feel of her embrace. You have the strength to not care about death to others, but that is also your weakness. As you grow, you will learn the meaning of life and the value and essence of it. I will not be there for it though, that is your journey, not mine."



" what happens next?"

" only one person can have this power at once, so once it is passed to you I'll die."

A heavier atmosphere finally fully set in, this situation finally not being that of a joke.

" You need to prick each one of your fingers, then lay all ten on the paper, thus the it'll be passed on..."

" ok...''

That's when the process began, the man laid out the scroll on an ornate table. As it unfolded, the beautiful gold and jade scroll came across the full length of the ten foot table, even rolling off the side. There were the bloody handprints of all the previous users, on a scroll that looked to go on to eternity. The crimson met the gold in a way that looked almost methodical and beautiful all at the same time.

She laid both her bloody hand on the paper, and felt a prickly sensation, like pins and needles. Pleasant until everything started to burn, her wrists on fire, like she was chained down and branded with their marks. All until she felt a piercing, excruciating pain go through her chest to her heart, securing her loyalty to the Goddess on the account of her life in return if ever betrayed. That's is when an intense buzzing noise met her ears, she wanted to cover them, but she couldn't move, the ceremony paralyzed her in place. Her vision blurred, seeing the silhouette of the man she met fall to the ground. The last thing she saw what the figure of a woman in all black, adorning beautiful, avian wings. The next thing she new, she woke up on the ground outside of the woods, scroll in hand, and mussel memory of two breath forms she never used before. It didn't matter because all she could think about was that woman, clad in black.

 It didn't matter because all she could think about was that woman, clad in black

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I have to be real with you all, I have had mononucleosis for that last couple months, and it finally cleared up on top of some permanent brain damage from a concussion. I haven't been well, and I feel bad I haven't updated. I am sorry for my inability to continue to write for so long. I don't know how updates will be, but I hope to be more reliable in the future.

Anyways please star, comment, and follow

Willow Senpai out~






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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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