ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1; ᴀꜱ ᴀ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ

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Y/n l/n six years old~

Every year a special flower appears, with beautiful blue petals, but only for a few days. It blossoms on the mountain closest to the sun, a place where demons can't go. It's a family secret that we kept for generations. Out of reach from all because a certain demon wants it. It blossoms on my birthday every year for a few days. I love to visit the spot. It's truly amazing.

"Mommy are we going to see them again this year," I said to my mother

"Yes I fact we are, I would never miss it after all they only bloom"

"I am so so so excited! They are so pretty!" I squealed.

"I know I know, you say that every year though, you are not wrong."

I ran out of the kitchen as fast as I could, cheering to the neighbors that I was excited for my birthday. I was running around till I bump into my neighbor, Lina, carrying bread to her husband's bakery.

"My, my whatever will I do with you, you're so energetic it scares me. I wish I had that energy these days, maybe I could deal with my husband better." She laughed at her own comment

"I got so much, don't I Auntie Lina?"

"I've already established that you are"

"Auntie can I have food in your bakery?" I asked her, while looking at her with Doey eyes.

"Yes yes, but only one thing ok, after all you are like gluttony, if it was a person if that is," she muttered in the last part even though you still were able to hear her comment.

"Hmmf yeah yeah yeah I get it I get it now let's go ok"

Time skip brought to you by fairy tail's unrealistic body types ~ at the bakery

"Thank you for the food!"

I ate and left, starting to walk home to mom and dad when I smelt a metallic substance coming from my house. Blood. I ran as fast as I could, running and running until I saw him, a man standing over my mother and father's skinned corpses. Almost unrecognizable, their eyes popped and the rest deflated almost like a skin bag coming from the sockets. Their hands all without fingers and the bloody finger remains without nails. All their hair matted with blood. Their bodies completely skinned as a foul odor came from the muscle tissue that was bright red. Their intestines also spewed out bringing another layer of odor to the air almost making me fall unconscious. There were legs scattered around the room and blood splattered around painting the room red. Red lakes around my mother and father's bodies. Last but not least, skewers sticking out from their back, blood pumping out by the second. I was scared but I couldn't speak and I couldn't move.

"Hello young one, are you perhaps these two delightful people's child"

I didn't want to answer, but I could feel his blood lust in the air. If I did not answer I would most certainly die painfully at that, looking at my parents now


"How about you give me information back at my house, ok, dear child," he stared at me with half Lidded eyes filled with blood lust. The longer I looked into his eyes, the more they turned a glowing pink.

I couldn't say any more and I couldn't scream or run so I just, didn't. I heard the twang of a biwa. From that day on my life became a living hell hole








Hi there first chapter out sorry for the short chapter the next one will be around 1000 to 1500 words ok thank you and please subscribe and checkout my other book






Willow Senpai out~




Uhhh hi ✌️ I'm the new (and only) editor for this fanfic, y'all can call me Peachy but here I'll be going as S. If you have heard of Peachy Reader on YouTube, dats me 😺✌️Yeah, so I forced Willow Senpai to hand over her book so I could help (because her writing is Horrendous) but yeah hope y'all are good and stuff.

Now this is awkward but uhh

Editor S / Peachy signing off, Peace ✌️✨

The Pillar of death (𝕯𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔫 𝕾𝔩𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯 𝔵 𝕽𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Where stories live. Discover now