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Hello everyone, It's been a while, sorry my device broke and is in need of getting fixed. It means I am on my old 9 year old I pad rn, and it's glitchy af. Not to mention my work has been over the top lately, and I have had multiple projects. Actually, I have one due Friday😢

'What do I tell this guy? Oh, I just fell out of an invisible door as I just fought with upper moon two. I stole the most powerful blade in existence. I was tortured since I was six, and I don't remember squat. It would go over so very well. Maybe I should just kill him, it would make my life so much easier if  I just killed him. Should I do that? No. I should figure out how to live now. After I do that, then I can kill him. Oh, wait, I need to respond.'

"S-sir, my name is (Y/N) and my fa-family was ki-ki killed by a demon."

I mean it should sound legit enough, though this guy is probably expendable. I need  to figure out how to kill demons.

This guy is my only hope . . . . . . . . . for now.

I will not trust anyone ever again. I never want to deal with people's lives in my hands,

it would hold me back.

Frankly, if the demons didn't kill them, I most certainly would. There was something weird about how he said his next words.

"Ok, come with me. I know someone who would like to meet you, little one"

I felt like I needed to follow him, like if I Didn't follow him, my life would not reach its fullest potential. I had never gotten his name, the journey was silent. He never questioned why I was alone, or why I was covered in blood, he just motioned me to follow him.  

Along the way at one point, he finally spoke to me. 

"The person you are going to meet is a very responsible and well mannered individual, please mind your actions. If you act right, you might just have a home." 

"Why would I care about having a home, being around humans is agonizing. Not only that, but they make me want to puke." 

"Why is that young one?" he asked, with a hint of confusion in his voice. 

"I will never trust humans again, must less ever trust a demon. Humans and demons are so similar people never realize it. They act the same, just towards different sources of food. When you think about it, no wonder they came from humans. I hate both sides, and I will never trust or care about either." 

The man I still did not know the name of, hummed. We finally came to a halt and saw an area bustling with demon slayers.

We were met at the gate by men asking why ✨mask man✨ was there.

He said he wanted an urgent meeting with someone called Oyakata Sama? I have no clue what is going on or who the hell he,she,they? are!

Then the realization hit me, that was probably the leader of this demon slayer corps thingy.

Well, I guess I can't kill my way out of this situation. I can't even mildly torture them.

Wait, is it normal to torture people.....?

Ehh, I don't care, at some point I will kill them anyway.   

The next thing I know, ✨mask man✨ was kneeling on the floor. I was assuming I should too, but I don't respect this person in the least.

So here I am, leaning against a tree.

Though the mark on my neck sticks out, so I cover it up with a bandage, that was in the blood box.

The Pillar of death (𝕯𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔫 𝕾𝔩𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯 𝔵 𝕽𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯)Where stories live. Discover now