Chapter 4 First Day of UA

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Did I skip more stuff? Yes! Is it kind of irrelevant? Kinda.

Am going to explain it now? Definitely.

Okay, so you know how in the first chapter I said that Kurogiri was still kind of aware of Taika? Well, he knew that Taika was heading for UA and he didn't want her to find out that her parents were villains yet. He arranged with All for one (Grampa Ollie {All-y} in case I ever use that) to rob Peggy's so she would have to take extra shifts during the day. Meaning she could go to school.  She called Nezu and he said she could do online classes until the restaurant was restored. She happily took the offer. After the USJ attack, he returned the money so that Taika could go back to her normal shifts. She is starting normal class the day they got back. Also, you don't really hear about her other personality until later because she is taking medicine to kind of suppress it because they can do that here. Now to begin. (I have been planning this chapter for soooooo long!)

Oh, I forgot she is also kinda buddy-buddy with Shoji. She helped him get jobs at the places she works at. She is in sort of a similar situation but his parents helped him move and they are neighbors.


(Taika's POV)

I bounce through the hall and stop in front of the class 1-A door. I fix my tie one more time and think to myself sort of. 'I made is 'Kumo' I smile and tear up a bit. I quickly wipe them away and get ready to knock. The door opens before I get the chance and I realize. I'm not ready to talk to them. I look at the man who opened the door. It's a mummy-looking Shota I sheepishly smile and wave. He probably doesn't remember me since we haven't seen each other know who died. (You really need to stop breaking my wall) He rolls his eyes and nods his head towards the inside of the classroom signaling me to get in. I duck my head and walk-in.

"Speak of the devil here the not really new student is," He says and walks over to his desk and pulls out a sleeping bag. "You have free time to get to know nice," He said and goes to sleep. I smile nervously and stare at the wall behind everyone shaking a little.

"Hi hi! My name is Taika Shirakumo-Shigaraki but I prefer to be called either Taika or by the last name Shigaraki" I stutter out with a withering confident voice to the wall. "My quirk is decay and cremation nice to meet you all?" I say and finally, look down at students' faces. Some of them look kinda angry and confused. I make a small squeaking sound and step back a bit. A few familiar faces soften a bit... except for Denki's. I duck at their faces and start fiddling with my gloves. 

"So what's it like having a villain for a father?" The bubble girl from the entrance exam asks. I look at her confused then realize who she is talking about.

"Whoa," I say and put up my hands. "I get that politicians get a lot of crap but you don't need to call him a villain. And I'm not sure he's been on a business trip. Why have you seen him?" I ask a little excited that I might be able to meet him after all these years. Everyone looks at each other confused.  I shrug it off and look around the faces again and see the broccoli boy. It finally dawns on me, that is him! And in front of him. The neighborhood legend. I get a little excited.

"It's the almighty kacchan!" I say excitedly and point at him. He looks at me angrily and shocked. I flinch a little and look at Izuku behind him and we share knowingly who each other was.

The other guy gets up and grabs me by the tie. I look at him worriedly.

"How do you know that name villain?" He asks angrily and pulls me closer. I put my hands up while visibly saddening at the last word.

"Right you don't know me," I say dully and sadly looking anywhere but at him. "I grew up with you guys I just more of admired you from a distance being scared," I said. He lets go of my tie and pushes me down. I stand back up and put a smile on trying not to cry. The one person I wanted to avoid then comes up.

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