Chapter 14 Saving Bakugo/ sleepover. (~Angsty~)

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I was almost three weeks ahead when I started this so I'm proud of myself as of right now! Aight to the story!


Taika's POV

 I tug a little on my jacket as I wait outside for Izuku and the others. I see Izuku walking outside of the building and the others too. Someone I didn't expect to show up also did. Iida... well shit we're dead. Oh shit, he looks angry we are so fucking dead. I pull my hood over my head and watch what Iida does. He punches Izuku in the face and I pull on the strings of my hoodie.

"You are repeating what I did in Hosu!" He yells. And stupid me just had to speak up.

"I don't know if you hadn't done what you did back there I wouldn't have been as lucky as I am to be here now!" I say out of my hoodie hole. He looks at me confused. "Long story maybe I'll tell you later," I say. He nods and glares.

"I am also very disappointed in you Shirakumo," He says. "You should be responsible considering all of your experience!" He continues and pokes me in the chest I wince.

"Welp, I'm just a disappointment now how about we go save Bakugo!" I say pulling off my hood and jabbed my finger towards his chest. He steps away looking at my hand worriedly. I see I didn't have one of my gloves on and put it on and putting my hood back over my head to hide my face as some of what happened recently runs through my head. "Well, what are ya'll waiting for let's go!"

I sigh a little while we follow Yaoyorouzu's device. (I love her but I really hate writing her name)

"You okay Shig-" Kirishima starts and I pull my hoodie more closed.

"Shirakumo," I mutter.

"Shirakubro?" He finishes adding bro to my last name. I chuckle and put a thumbs up and he nods.

"You sure?" 

I nod again pulling my hoodie shut more. 

"You know if you keep doing that you're going to ruin your hoodie," He says. I open it nod and close it again. "So when you feel like closing it more you are actually going to open it then close it?" He asks and I nod. "Cool!"

"Yup!" I say so that it doesn't seem like he's talking to a wall. He beams after finally starting a conversation.

"So how have you been we haven't talked since the beginning of the year!" He says. I let go of the hoodie strings and put my hands in my pockets when my wrists began to hurt a bit..

"I've been fine, what about you?" I ask. He shrugs.

"Pretty good actually! Hanging out with the boi's!" He smiles, pauses, and gets a devious grin on his face only to wipe it away moments later. "You should come hang out with us sometime around!"

"Maybe!" I reply happily.

"Alright everyone we are going to need disguises," Momo says somewhat excitedly. "First choose a hero to model your outfit after." She says pulling out a bag with papers. After everyone reached in I did. I looked at the paper and see the name hawks. I chuckle and smile at it already thinking of my outfit. I open my purse and walk over to a nearby store. I already mostly had what I needed. I find a pair of boots and a shirt with wings in the shape of a heart. I then go over to the counter.

"Hey, can I get a single blue contact?" I ask. The guy behind the counter gives me a weird look but hands it to me in a case. I nod a thank you and hand over the money needed to pay for everything. He nods and puts the money in the register. I grab my reusable bag from the mall and run over to a changing area and get into the shirt and put my jacket on and leave the hood off. I put on the boots, put my other clothes into the reusable bag and put in the blue contact for my red-eye after glaring at the color.

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