Chapter 23 Quest? I'm already on a Quest!

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Heh, heh memes!


Taika's POV

I heard a knock at the door and blushed a little.

"Hold on!" I called while I finished buttoning up my villain suit. I walked over to the door and opened it hiding my suit. Shota barges in and sit on my bed while I hide behind my door.

"Nezu told me what's up show me what you've got," He said boredly. I close my door revealing what I chose. It was a pair of black shorts folded to make cuffs along with knee high boot and a suit shirt put on messily with suspenders and the sleeves rolled up ever so carefully and of course my gloves. "What is it with you and suit parts!" He grumbles and grabs a black tie from my bed. He ties it for me and loosens it to look messy but in Mina's terms 'hot'.

I looked in the mirror and smiled.

"Love it!" I said.

"Not done where are your scissors?" He said plainly. I pointed to my desk semi worriedly. He opened a drawer and grabbed them out with a hair tie. "Sit,"

I sit on a chair and he puts the hairtie in my hair and I catch on to what he was doing. He takes the scissors and cuts under the ponytail holder. He pulls it out and shows me what he cut off. Huh! I didn't know I grew that much hair in the span of a year. I nodded and shrugged. He threw it in the trash.

I stood up and looked in the mirror looking at the curly disney rapunzel hair cut I was given.

"It's cute!" I replied.

"Shake it around I'm going to get some of the make up I got but never used," He said and left my room. I shook it around to make it fluffier and more crazy looking. I pause I take off one side of the suspenders and let it rest on my side while un tucking one side of the suit shirt. Shota comes in again and looked at my small adjustments. He nods at the adjustments I mad. "Sit," He says pointing to the chair.

"You should let me do it so that I can do it whenever I don't know there is a sudden message to go there and I already have an idea of what to do," I said. He shrugged and placed the make up box beside me and I began my idea. 

~A little later~

I looked at the stitches going from the edge of my mouth to the bottom of my ears. I put in skull earings real quik thinking it matched even if nobody saw my ears. I touched up on the look of decay around the flame like eyeshadow around my eyes.

"Not bad kid, now to sneak ou tof UA and track their butts down to join them," Shota said.

"Shouldn't be too hard," I said and clicked on Dabi's phone number. (He slipped a paper with it into her glove while he tied her up.) I pressed the call button and jumped out my window taking a roll while finding my way out of the tight security and away from the security cameras of heights alliance. A little later Dabi picked up just I got outside the fence.

"Bout time you contacted your dear old dad kid," He said into the phone.

"Yeah yeah where's your base at I'm done being a hero and want into the league of freaks," I said. I could hear him sigh. He told me the address and I went there quickly. I knocked on the door smiling like Alastor when he was greeted by Charlie. The door was opened by a blonde girl.

"Hell-" I started and had the door slammed in my face. "o!" I finished when she opened it only for it to be slammed in my face again.

"Shiggy you kid is at the door!" The girl calls.

"Get her away from here she's gonna ruin everything!"

"No no! She said she wants to join us she could be another of our UA traitors!" I heard Dabi say. A few moment of silence. 


Toga opened the door.

"Can I speak now?" I asked as I walked in. "Greetings!"

"Why are you here?" Shigaraki asked.

"Well when the holes of my false confidence decided to rip into my sanity, I just couldn't get the idea of joining this place out of my head so here we are! And I thought it would be great for family bonding and what better way to do that then joining the family business?" I said and Shigaraki rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," He replied. "Your in I guess,"

I laughed.

"What's so funny!" He asked.

"I don't think you get it! I'm taking over as an obviously better choice in management and responsibility. But! As a last hoorah! You get to direct this next meeting," I said. Oh shit what did I do. Just roll with it. He growled but didn't resist and my persona smiled.

"Fine," He replied and glared smiling. I got a small uneasy feeling. Another villain group walked in and by the looks of it being lead by a man in a bird like mask.

Tomura stood up up and I went to sit by the blonde girl.

"New freak?" The man in the bird mask asked insultingly.

"Aww does somebody mad about how stupid their villain costume is?" I cooed making direct eye contact with him. He glared at me and I just smiled like a jerk. (Not gonna lie I like how much of a little shit she's being and this persona you know?)

He turned his attention back to Tomura.

"Keep your little shits at bay why don't ya?" He says pointing at me and I rolled my eyes boredly.

"Maybe you should be more serious with your plague doctor clown lookin', germaphobe bitchass," I said. I think I've been spending too much time with kacchan. But wait the complaining about people being bitch babies is Aizawa's thing.

"Might wanna put a muzzle on that bitch," The other guy says keeping his calm.

"Shut you trap kid," Tomura glares at me. I open my mouth.

"Can't even control your own kid can you?" Bird guy said.

"Can't shut your trap can you?" I asked. "Can't get off you ignorant and cocky high horse can you?  Can't learn to respect others and treat them with human decency can you?" 

"It's probably best if you shut up now." The blonde said. I nodded. "I'm Himiko by the way but we can talk more later,"

"Yeah," I agreed and let the meeting commence.

"This, league, is Overhaul," Tomura introduced and I rolled my eyes.

~Mleleleleh after Overhaul kills Magne and destroys Compresses arm~

Tomura runs after Overhaul and I facepalm. He doesn't need everybody in the league to die. I understand where he is coming from though. He gets one over Overhaul's team members and Overhaul decides to continue this meeting later.

~A few days later~

"Hey, kid?" Aizawa's voice asks as I heard a knock click on my door.

"Come in!" I called from my bed and putting down my phone. He comes in.

"You know the workstudies?" He asked and I nodded.


"Well they have a case on the yakuza guys and I was put on the case so naturally you are on it aswell," He said. Wait the Yakuza? Like the toucan leader dude?

"Quest? I'm already on a quest! I 'm at three now because I took over the LOV!" I protested.

"I'm sorry you what?" He asked.


Aight end of chapter!

Have a good day for my jumping beans and a good night for my fellow night owls!

Your Author,


And as always,

It's Wednesday mah dudes.

(Bro writing these chapters bring me so much joy and relief)

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