Chapter 26 I have writers block so! (:DL: Sick Day)

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Heyo! Happy pride month if that's when I am posting this! As  you can see I am getting back onto my writing streak because I am not ready to return. Also as you can tell from the title I am having writers block and no longer have a consistent writing schedule. Forgive me if the chapter is horrible. Also also this is kind of free from how the plot is going as of write (get it?) now. Okay third also I don't have grammarly on and I don't usually edit!

Taika's POV

My alarm clock goes of and I groan into my pillow while my head pounded. I lifted it up slightly and the room was spinning. I clicked the button to turn it off and closed my blinds keeping the sun from killing my eyes.

A while later of drifting in and out of sleep while starinf at my other wall I heard a short but rapid knock on my door and Denki burst into my room.

"Taikaaaaaa," He whined and ran over then laid on my back. I cough and hummed. "Come hang out with meeeeeeee,"

I groaned shook my head.

"Go hang out with Mina," I whisper spoke and my throat throbbed. He hopped up again jostling the bed and slammed the door behind him. "Fucker," I mumbled and pulled m blanket over my head when I felt a wave of cold run through me.

The door opened again.

"I said go hang out with Mina Denki," I said again. Seconds later the blanket was ripped off of me  and I groaned grabbing at it with one hand and curling in on myself with another. I heard footsteps and my room brightened with clicks in the background. I winced and my head began to pound harder and my stomachs unsettled itself.

"Hades it is nine in the mornin get you ass out of bed!" Katsuki yelled. I grabbed my trash can and threw up into it while weakly holding up my middle finger.

"No can do Kacchan," I mumbled while grabbing at my tissue  box and wiping off my mouth with a tissue after he handed the box to me. 

"What the fuck happened to you?" He asked.

"I got sick dumb fuck," I replied sarcastically.

"I can see that bitch it was a rhetorical question," He said angrily and I vomited again.  There was a long pause.

"So you just gonna stand there?" I asked. He blinked and walked out not even closing the door behind him. I flipped him off and reached for the tisse box that he put on the ground by the trash can. I wiped off my mouth and got up from my bed closed the door first and sneezed into a coughing fit. Once that was finished I close my blinds and took the blankets up from the floor and cuddled into them while another wave of cold crawled under my skin.

Another hour later the was a pounding on my door and a small creak as light from the hallway leaked in.

"Taika," A voice whispered and I opened my eyes just a crack. I saw a fluff of green.

"Hey Zuku," I mumbled. "What's up?"

"Kacchan told me to tell you it was from me but it isn't. He made you some soup," Izuku said and placed a bowl beside me. I giggled. "What's so funny,"

"The sort of sibling dynamic of this group. Just know is kind of like when the older sibling asks the younger sibling if he wants to go out to eat. The younger sibling does and the older one tells the younger to go to the parents and ask. Then the younger sibling goes and asks and says that the older sibling told them to. Then they don't go out to eat," I rambled tiredly. He sits on the side of my bed and considered it giggling.

"Yeah it is like that isn't it," He said in a quiet voice. "Sorry Kacchan!" He called still semi-quiet. I giggled and sat up.


Aight I am done with this chapter. That's all I can do for now. I'll get an actually productive chapter done soon hopefully.

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