Chapter 22 Meeting the big three and starting WorkStudies

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No announcements just an apology for if this sucks and that the last one did! Oh, wait it does have a character getting introduced that could possibly be in the theoretical sequel that no one will probably want!


Taika's POV

I doodled on my notebook when the door clicked. I paid no mind to it while the doodle turned into Izuku and Kacchan fighting. From three days ago. I tossed the pencil down and face-planted into my desk. At least they are back.

"Good morning class today you will be meeting the big three and one of their runners up," Shota said. I picked up my head and looked at the four figures at the front of the classroom. They looked like third years. "Introduce yourselves I'm going to go sip some coffee," Aizawa mumbled.

"Hiya! As you know we are the big 3 and we're here to teach you a bit about the Work-Studies!" A blonde boy said. "My name's Mirio" 

He finally introduced himself. Oop didn't mean to sound angry I forgot my coffee this morning and had to pull an all-nighter at work and had to serve a group of highly social drunk businessmen. I didn't get in until this morning and could get something for breakfast. So I am three tireds! Mentally, Emotionally, physically, and energetically. (She drunk off tiredness so she won't make the following connection!)

"Nejire Hado," The girl with blue hair smiled. I raised my eyebrows.

"Tamaki Amajiki," The third boy said a few moments later than going to stand in a corner. I huffed and glared at the wipe board.

"Taika are you okay?" Uraraka asked while placing a hand on my desk.

 I gave her a dull Aizawa-like smile to which she giggled at.

"Just fine!" I replied tiredly and sarcastically.

"Welp now that you've heard from the big three you can hear from me!" A girl with blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes smiled. "Greetings my name is Tenshi Takami!" I pause.

"Takami like Keigo Takami's kid?" I asked out loud the girl's smile widened.

"Exactly!"  SHe said.

"Hawks doesn't have a kid! Let alone is he old enough to have a what a seventeen-year-old!" I argued standing up. She giggled.

"Let's just say he got down and dirty and laid an egg a little early!" She smiled while doing a peace sign. I glared and sat back down in my chair letting myself zone out. Only to be pulled out moments later by the two girls from the group.

"Your dad is Dabi right?!" The blue one asked.

"Yep, both parents are villains!" I said tiredly and leaned against the wall half asleep.

"See Tenshi! I told you you shared a dad!" A voice said presumably the blue girl.

"So I do have a little s-s--r," I heard as I fell asleep. (She won't remember this haha! Sorry, not sorry! XP)

~A little later~

"Kid wake up!" Aizawa yelled. I jumped in my seat and stood up while saluting. I look at him and smile sheepishly.

"Sorry had to pull an all-nighter last night did have time for coffee," I explained. He sighed.

"You're lucky that my meeting was canceled here's the extra coffee down it and get out into the field," He said. I downed the scalding drink and changed into the gym uniform and sprinted to the training area to see Izuku about to kick the Mirio dude only to fail and be beat. I stood there confused as they interacted and Mirio explained his quirk. I made mental notes of what he was doing. Nejire notices me and I make an oh shit look.

"Mirio! You missed one!" She said pointing to me. He turns towards me interrupting his speech. I give an awkward wave and stare at the ground

"Welp how about we go real quick little one!" He smiles  I just stand there awkwardly a little more aware from the coffee. I nod a little and he disappears underground again. I become determined and use what I learned and cover the floor in flames quickly. He can't come up without getting burnt. I feel a disturbance in my floor of flames behind me. Quickly I turn around and put up a fire shield and ducking just in case he uses his quirk to pass through my flames without being burnt. I grab his arm and cleared a spot on the floor and tried to slam him on the ground only to feel his arm slip out of my grasp and being kicked to the ground. "Nice job kid!" he said as he helped me up. I nodded fully awake.

"Thanks for the wake-up call," I said patting his hand and pulling away walking over to my class. He finished his speech and waved at me. I walked over.

"How'd you come up with a plan so quick?" He asked still impressed.

"I paid attention to what you said and did the first thing that came to mind..." I replied. "I also helped my dad with his homework as a third-year so I have a bit of experience with upper-class work," I mumbled. He nodded smiling.

"Smart!" He complimented. I shook my head no smiling as he left. (Am I feeling hella overwhelmed from school? Fuck yeah{I was still in school when I wrote this trying to get ahead})

"Excuse me! Mr. Aizawa is Ms. Shirakumo with you?" Nezu asks through a speaker.

"Yes!" Aizawa yells.

"I need to see her!" Neze announces. Aizaawa nods towards the exit and I nod.

"Oooh!" Kaminari teases as I left and I rolled my eyes.

~When she got to Nezu's office~

"You needed to see me Mr. Nezu?" I asked as I knocked on his door.

"Yes come in!" He replied and I opened the door. He motioned for a chair and I closed the door while going to sit in the chair.

"What did you need?" I asked.

"You are aware of Work-Studies coming up I suspect?

"Yes sir,"

"Well I want you to do a secret work study while also going under Aizawa as cover," He smiled. I nodded a little confused. "I beleive that there is a traitor amoung us and I swear if I hear another amount us joke about the imposter I swear I am going to be the traitor myself,"

"Yes sir," I said holding in my laugh.

"Anyway's I need you to be a sort of double agent starting today you will pose as a a traitor to UA and report back to me everyday," He said. 

"I- um oaky!" I said.

"Thank you now go to the dorms and work up your persona and don't tell anyone til you know who the traitor is by seeing them at the LOV base,"

"Yes sir!" I replied and walked to my dorm while practicing my persona and finding songs to listen to for if I ever have a hard time getting into character. (Can't wait to see any possible theories and bouy oes it feel good to get things more wrapped up!)

Have a good day for my jumping beans and a good night for my fellow night owls.

Your Author,


And as always,

It's wendesday mah dudes!

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