Chapter 28 Filler chapter that has stuff that goes in the plot.

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I just thought of an idea for a filler chapter! So hang back and chill! Have fun!


Taika's POV

"Taika can I play with your hair?" Toga asked while I was hanging out under cover at the LOV base.

"Sure go a-head," I said adding the pun. Dabi gave me a dissapointed look and Shigaraki glared at me while doing a face slap. I do some finger guns and went to sit down by a chair so that she could get to my hair easily. She handed me a brush and I pre brushed it to get the knots out and she brushed through it again. A few seconds later she began to section off some of the hair and began playing and braiding. 

"So how are things going at UA?"

"Meh so so, my cover was a little bit blown at the yakuza but I told them I was spying on y'all, they took it pretty well," I replied with only the truth and saying it in just a way to make it seem I was wholeheartedly with them.

"That's good!" Toga chirped back and there was a mini tug on my head. I winced a little.

"Hey Taika," Shigaraki asked. I looked over at him without moving my head. "Why did you decide to come to the LOV last I checked you where pretty set on being a hero,"

"I suppose it was either teenage rebellion or just being what people told me I was," I said nonchalantly.

"Makes sense," Dabi replied, "My teenage rebellion was kinda for my rescue though," He blinked.

"Nice," I shrugged.

"I suppose mine is also because thats what I was told I am," Shigaraki agreed.

"Mine's teenage rebellion," Toga said a little sadly but with cheer in her voice. "Also if you see a Neito give him a punch on the arm for me when you get back to UA," She continued.


"Shoto too,"

"Okay," Said and looked over to Shigaraki. "You want one to go to Izuku?" He looked shocked. Oh shit he didn't know. I pursed my lips.

"Well shit," His crusty voice whipsered. "Actually give him a slap in the face for me,"

"No that's mean,"

"Why do you care,"

"Cause their mah best friend since like age five,"

"But I am your dad,"

"DNA donor. My dad is dead," 

"Okay now that's mean I honestly thought you were dead,"

"Cause you tried to kill me!"

"Well you were technically an accident,"

"Well shit no duh,"

"HEY!" Toga shouted stopping both of us from continuing the argument. I rolled my eyes at him but still shut up quickly.

"I would still fucking kill you if I had the chance," He whispered.

"Do it coward," I mouthed back while he and Dabi left. I sent him the middle finger while he left.


Aight that's the end of the chapter! Back to the party!

Have a good day or night for my fellow night owls.

Your author,


And as always,

It's Wednesday mah dudes!

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