Chapter 27 Woot

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Aight I don't really have much to say so here we go! Oh wait yes I do we have a party(no it is nolt cannon to actual mha universe but I wanted to do it to >XP) to write about cause I wanted that before I go. If lucky there will be two chapters for this, an in between and then the final chapter which I am planning as chapter 30. Then if y'all want I will start the sequel. And I will also do the holiday chapters and they'll be out in a bit.


Taika's POV

I looked down at the sheet of paper on my desk and tapping my pencil beside me. Unsure of what to draw I put my pencil down and leaned back in my chair. There was a knock on my door and I jumped standing up to get it. I opened the door to see my fellow class 1-A afab's.

"Yello?" I blinked and they giggled.

"Come on we gotta get ready for the party!" Hagakure jumped around and I laughed.

"Alrighty then who's dorm are we meeting in?" I asked.

"Momo's," Jiro replied.

"Okay cool then lets go!" I smiled and we walked over to the elevator to Momo's dorm.  When we got there Momo opened the door and we all stepped inside.

"Alright girls are you ready!" Momo asked in a slightly raised volume. There was a 'woot' around the room. Momo walked over to her closet and opened it up. There were five dresses and two suits. "I hope you all don't mind that I designed some outfits for you all," She smiled shyly. Every one was gaping and smiled with a round of 'those look amazing!' "i bet they are great' and other things along those lines.

(Imma draw the dresses and put them above in the picture thingy, {Still  gonna describe them though})

Momo picked out a pink one with a round top and an even rounder bottom. It had a purple belt like thing and the occasional circle on the fabric. She handed it to Uraraka, who looked like she was going to cry while she was thanking Momo and saying something about forever being in her debt. I chuckled at this. Momo went back to her closet and grabbed a silver sequin one with a one of those cuts down the skirt to show the thigh.

"Hope you don't mind that I call people up instead," Momo said. "Hagakure!" She called and Hagakure walked up and grabbed their dress and walking back. But not before almost suffocating Momo in a hug. Next she grabbed a semi frilly, soft lime green dress with spaghetti straps. 

"Tsu!" Mom called again and Tsu walked up and held the dress with care. Tsu nuzzled Momo's arm in thanks and appreciation. Next Momo grabbed a sky blue dress with off the shoulder sleeves. "Mina,"

Mina squealed in excitment and Momo got squeezed into another almost suffocating hug. Mina let go quickly and was handed the dress.

"Thank you!!!!" She smiled and bounced away.

Next she grabbed a small navy blue suit with a medium dark grey shirt and a light blue tie.

"Taika!" She called and I walked over. She handed me the suit and I draped it over my left arm. Then taking her hands in my.

"Thank you!" I smiled and blushed a little embaressedly. "So how much is it?" I asked awkwardly. She laughed.

"Sweetie I did this as a fun thing! I wanted to do this and these are kind of gifts," She smiled and I thought of a way to repay her. Giving a gift back. I nodded again.

"Thank you!" I said again.

I walked back to my standing area by Jiro who walked up to Momo while she was being called for a dark purple suit with a dark pink bow tie and a dark blue shirt. (I can't do suit designs don't judge me.)

"Ready to get ready everybody?" Momo shouted in a joyful manner. Another round of 'woots' around the room.

"I say hair first!" Mina proclaimed and there was agreement. I pulled a hair tie off my wrist and put my hair into a ponytail then doing finger guns.

"Nuh uh," I hear beside me and turned to see the owner was Hagakure who was probably folding her arms. I shrugged. "Can I do your hair," She asked.

"Sure go ahead!" They smiled and I turned around. She took the hair tie out of my hair.  I felt Their hands going along my head and weeving through my hair. She braided the sides of my head and they came together into a ponytail. I smiled when it was finished. "Thanks Caln!"

"Anytime King!" They said and I think smiled. I 'looked' at her in confused manner.

"How did you-"

"No time to explain I must go do others hair!" They smiled and she went off to the next person. Okay? I walked over to Momo.

"Hey Momo I am going to do my make up in my room of thats okay," I said and she nodded with a thumbs up.


Aight thats the end of the chapter! The next chapter is also gonna be hella short. It's just gonna be a filler chapter so that I can end this book with thirty chapters minus holiday stuff.

Have a good day or night to my fellow night owls.

Your author,


And as always,

It's Wednesday mah dudes!

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