(Help me!)

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Guyssss! Please lol I need help. This story is nearing an end soon but Idk how to continue this or what to write about. I havent explained but I have so much going on, trying to right is sort of becoming a side hobby for what little free time I have. No pity please hehe. I just need somebody with a great idea (No lemon -_- Im watching you guys) out there to help me create some good chapters and this story will be on the move!. Right now the story will be at a stand still for I am working on my new story which is quite interesting and tells a bit about Me and my love interest in the weirdest, funniest, saddest, way possible x'3 Its called "The mercenary" Its about Wade and me before he became ....Improved deadpool hehe. Please go check it out and read it! That might interest you while I figure out about this. Thank you for reading this if you did and I hope you understand! Toodles for now x3

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