Blane comes with out a plan

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8 months and 2 weeks later...                                                            

My baby is coming and i can't do anything but cry when i lay in the hospital bed. Then the doctor makes the mistake of telling me he can't do anything for the pain and it will only get worse. Then all of the sudden its over and little baby Blane is crying for the first time in his life breathing his own air. Expecting to hold him i put out my arms and they take him away not even asking for a name or letting me see him. So i decide a nap sounds good and i will work everything out when i'm not exhausted.

When i wake up the doctors tell me i can visit my baby so they take me to him. When i see him i get an awkward feeling and i know he is mine and i have another responsibility. Then i wonder should i run away with him since his father is a rapist? After thinking it through i decide i should get a job and somewhere to live first so i will just have to tough it out for awhile.

A week later baby Blane gets to come home with Ryan and I to the terrible life that isn't planned out. Then when we arrive home and Blane starts to cry Ryan is yelling and i know that my baby isn't safe so i will have to get him out of her ASAP. Then all of a sudden Blane isn' t crying anymore so i go to check it out. To my surprise Ryan was actually a good father! He had rocked him to sleep with no trouble like it came natural. Life isn't always okay, but you come to a point in life where you don't care anymore and i think I'm there.

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