Car wreck??

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When i wake up i'm still in my car on the side of the road and it take's me a few moments to realize i must of went into shock and passed out... then remembering Blane i look back and knowing he doesn't  have a car seat i expect him to be dead or badly hurt. But as i'm looking i can't seem to place where he is. when i start to get out of the car to get in the back seat to see if he is under the passangers seat or drivers seat pain rushes through my body. i look down and in my lap is the engine of the car. when i go to reach for my cell phone i know its no more.. it was smashed by the engine. Then i burst out into tears because i'm stranded and can't call for help.. but while im crying i start to think and i realize that when i was on the phone i was almost home, but where was i now? certainly no where close to home.. then when i look out the window i see i'm under a underpass so i think help will come soon becasue i wreck right into the wall, but as i'm looking around nobody is driving by.

the next thing i try is screaming of course if nobody is near they wont hear but i was frightened so i couldn't stop myself. Then i rememeber that the worden said Ryan had escaped... so frighten i start to cry again. What am i going to do? and where is Blane?!

the next thing i know someone with a flash light i looking into the car and i start to cry. the police found me! i knew someone must be watching over me.. God? 

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