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It's been about two weeks since Jisung and Minho officially became a couple and they still hadn't told anyone besides Felix and Changbin

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It's been about two weeks since Jisung and Minho officially became a couple and they still hadn't told anyone besides Felix and Changbin. They took it extremely well- Felix actually jumped onto the pair and quite literally strangled them as they shared a hug.

Yeonsuk was yet to know since they wanted to get a feel for their relationship before telling the 5 year old. Although, the young boy was fairly smart and picked up on their small gestures; he even caught Jisung pecking his babysitters lips! Yeonsuk just guessed that was some form of payment to Minho, he really didn't want to pester them into telling him what was going on.

Currently, Yeonsuk was in the living room coloring, Minho had just left for his shift at the café, and Jisung was looking through his fridge to see what they'll have for dinner. It was like any other Tuesday; suddenly, he heard his phone ringing the caller being none other than his best friend, Lee Felix.

"Heyyy bestie..." Felix starts up the conversation after Jisung answered the phone call.

"What did you do?" Jisung already knew where this was going.

"When can you get here?" Felix giggles from the other side.

"Can I bring Yeon with me?" Jisung asks.

"Yes please!"

"Be there in ten." Jisung says before hanging up the line.


There weren't too many cars out on the road, so he arrived at Felix and Changbin's apartment quite quickly. Jisung and Yeonsuk basically ran up to their place and the young boy knocked loudly and hurriedly. After hearing a bit of shuffling from the other side the door opened to a beaming Felix and a blushing Changbin.

"I'm surprised and concerned." Jisung looks around trying to find a sign of mishap.

"Sorry, I should've explained that we weren't dying this time." Felix chuckles.

Yes he said this time because they've had instances where someone was stuck in something (Felix) or some other carless action done by someone (Felix).

"So I almost went above speed limit for you to say you're not in desperate need?" Jisung asks, blinking furiously.

"Yes, now sit down, this is important." Changbin shuts him up.

"Continue." Jisung says trying to get comfortable on their light blue couch.

"Do you want to say it or..." Felix trails off.

"He is your best friend." Changbin decides for Felix. The younger took a deep breath in, looked at everyone in the room with glossy eyes and then nodded his head as if to say he was ready.

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