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Today is the day: Felix and Changbin are leaving to Australia

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Today is the day: Felix and Changbin are leaving to Australia. After their night at the club the group were very happy, so when the day finally came it felt sudden. The group even helped the pair pack their things, yet it didn't actually feel like they were leaving.

Yeonsuk also had his day out with his uncles Lix and Bin. Truth be told, once the pair dropped off Yeonsuk they cried because it felt like they were leaving their son behind. Changlix see Yeonsuk as their own, they've literally seen him grow up, so knowing that they'll be missing some of his milestones hurts more than they could've ever imagined.

Felix and Changbin were currently in a taxi on their way to the airport, their friends were coming to send them off later.

"Nervous?" Changbin asked the younger who hadn't stoped shaking his leg since they entered the car.

"Isn't it obvious??" Felix weakly smiles.

"I should be more nervous than you, I'm moving to a whole new country which primarily speaks English. Oh and by the way... I'm not the best at English!!" Changbin exaggerates.

"You're totally right, okay okay, I'm going to try and calm down." Felix says before intertwining their hands.

"But I also don't want you holding everything in either, if you want to cry then cry Lix, nothing is stopping you."

"I just don't want to make everyone feel worse."

"It's obvious to tell when you're not at your best." Changbin honestly says.

"I just don't want to leave on a sour note, it's not fair for them."

"What do you mean hun?"

"Babe, we're leaving! This will be their last time with us for who knows how long, I don't want them to remember it as a sad moment. Rather, a nice moment where we can come back to and look at how far we've come and how are bond hasn't faltered. I guess all I really want is for us to stay best friends and that us moving to another country doesn't cause the house of cards to come tumbling down." Felix softly says, his eyes resembling crystals.

"Honey... can't you see how long we've already lasted? Yes, this move is big and may strain our relationship, but it's highly unlikely it'll ruin it. We have already been through so much as individuals and as friends I don't think loosing each other would benefit any of us, we have everything to loose. Before you say anything I know it's terrifying, but I would have never agreed to leave the only place I've ever know if I didn't think we could make it. Our friend group is one of a kind and I don't see why it would fall apart now." Changbin says while cupping Felix's cheeks inbetween his hands so he wouldn't avoid eye contact. The older wiped Felix's stray tears as the younger begun to hiccup, this happens when he holds in his tears for too long.

"I-I ju-st.." Felix attempts to speak up.

"Shhhh.... you can cry, I'm here." Changbin took off his seatbelt and quickly embraced his fiancé in a hug, rubbing his back to try and smooth him.

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