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The unexpected, yet still expected, happened to the teen with lots of ambitions and well, girlfriends and boyfriends

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The unexpected, yet still expected, happened to the teen with lots of ambitions and well, girlfriends and boyfriends. This teenager is named Han Jisung and he had a son at age 16; he's now 21 years old. The mother of his son is named Sooji, she was only a sophmore when she gave birth to Han Yeonsuk on March 25th, 2015.

Sooji's parents hated the thought of their daughters life being ruined by a baby, so when she finally gave birth they packed their things and left to another town. To say the least, she was perfectly fine with leaving her baby behind with the father.

March 26th was the start of a whole new life for Han Jisung. Sooji had officially left and he now had a baby to take care of. Oh, how stressful those long days of school were. Though his parents were never as supportive as he'd liked them to be, they did help out with Yeonsuk. Nowadays, the story is different and little Yeonsuk is 5 years old. Which also means Jisung is ready to hire a babysitter, so he doesn't have to bother his parents once he moves out to into his own apartment.


"Mom, I'll be heading out now, thank you for everything. Visit us when you can, Yeonsuk and I will be waiting." Jisung says to his mother, Mrs.Han, who was saying goodbye to Yeonsuk.

"I'll find some space in my schedule to visit you guys and maybe your dad would come too." Mrs. Han says.

"Yes mom." Jisung says taking a hold of his sons hand.

"Well, off you go, I hope you like your new place Jisung." Mrs. Han smiles as she hands Jisung a box with a few of Yeonsuk's toys inside.

"Thank you and please tell dad Yeonsuk and I say goodbye. Since that's the last of our stuff, we'll be heading out now, bye mom. " Jisung says as he hugs his mom goodbye and Yeonsuk does the same.

"Okay sweetie, goodbye and please take care!" Mrs. Han smiles as she waves goodbye to her son.

"Bye~" Jisung softly says as he closes the door. He holds onto Yeonsuk's small hand as they walk all the way to his G-Wagon that his parents got him for his 17th birthday.

"Alright Sukie, let's get you into the car so we can finally go to our new place!!" Jisung says in a small voice to his even smaller son.

With a little giggle from Yeonsuk Jisung helps him into his car seat and makes sure every bag and toy is in the car, so he can drive off.

"Here, play with Mr. Kittens Sukie ." Jisung smiles as he passes a stuffed cat to Yeonsuk.

Jisung then takes his keys and puts them into the key hole, the car's engine starting off. He slowly backed out of his parking space and headed off to his new home.

"Appa.." Yeonsuk softly says.

"Yes sweetie?"

"..." Yeonsuk stays quiet until all you can hear is an unusually loud fart coming from his diaper. With that, both boys burst into laughter and Yeonsuk starts to imitate the sound he had just made.

"Ugh Yeonsuk, that smells!" Jisung huffs as he rolls down a window.

"Sorry appa.."Sukie smiles cutely.

"It's fine cutie." Jisung chuckles as he sees his son smiling widely in the mirror.

After almost 20 minutes in the car, the young boy started to get bored. And what do kids do when they're bored? They make a fuss. And so, that was the start of a headache for Jisung.

"Yoensuk, please... we're almost there just a few more minutes baby." Jisung softly says trying to calm down his son.

"Appaaaaa, no!!" Yeonsuk starts to whine.

"Don't start acting up. We're literally already in the neighborhood, so calm down baby." Jisung sternly says to his son who was kicking his seat.

Yeonsuk then starts to cry once again and kick Jisung's seat even harder. Though, all Jisung could do was sigh and try to keep his cool. Thankfully, they got to their new home safely and Jisung quickly got off the car to take his son out of his car seat. He took the other things he needed and headed off to his new place with his now content son.

"Yeonyeon how do you like your new house?" Jisung asks his son.

"Very pretty." Yeonsuk responds, referring to how his new home looked.

"That's good baby since we're going to stay here for a while." Jisung smiles as he kisses his son's cheek.

"Well I'm sorry to say, but it's time for you to head off and take a nap Sukie." Jisung chuckles after seeing his sons expression falter.

"Okay, I am tired appa." Yeonsuk says trying his best not to fall asleep in his dads arms.

"Then lets go sleep cutie." Jisung coo's as his son yawns. He took Yeonsuk to the his new room and quickly changed him into some new clothes and then set the boy down to sleep. The small boy had almost instantly knocked out and all that was heard in the room was soft breathes.

"I love you so much baby and I hope you know your dad is trying his best." Jisung whispers, adoring the sight in front of him before planting a kiss on the little boy's forehead. With that,  Jisung shut the door and headed off to his new room and simply watched YouTube videos awaiting his little prince to wake up once again.

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