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"May I have a venti iced chai latte please

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"May I have a venti iced chai latte please." Jisung says to the worker in the drive through.

"Okay that'll be $5.20 for a vent iced chai latte, please pull up to the second window." The worker energetically says.

It didn't take longer than 5 minutes for Jisung to pay and receive his drink. He took a sip of his delicious beverage and then moved towards the main road, heading for his workplace nearby.

It was just down the road, so when he got to the office he quickly signed in and went over to his desk. Today he'll be working the front desk; an easy job answering phone calls, checking people in, and or sending emails. Hyunjin and Jisung shared the same job, it was nice to have company. Though, Chan also worked in the office he usually came by to drop off papers; he worked at a higher rank.

"Morning Hyunjin." Jisung greets the older who was already powering up his computer.

"Good morning Jisung." Hyunjin replied with a small smile.

"Wanna do phone calls or emails today?"

"May I do emails again, my temper is not the best today. Seungmin got me mad beforehand, I can't handle a know-it-all over the phone." Hyunjin sourly chuckles.

"I'm fine with that and sorry about your situation with Min." Jisung replies, his computer finally powering on. Hyunjin only replied with a nod, getting settled in his semi-comfortable chair.

The day progressed, a few annoying coworkers coming by to drop off their files, to which Hyunjin gave them the stink eye. When Chan came down to check up on them like he usually does, he could tell Hyunjin wasn't having a great day.

"Who was it? The usual guy, or is it another thing that happened?" Chan asks going behind the desk to bring Hyunjin into a hug. He knew how much Hyunjin loved skinship and just a hug could make him feel better.

"..it was Min.""Hyunjin whispers into Chan's ear, still not letting go. The older crouched down so they were at eye level, now holding hands.

"Did you fight?"

"He yelled at me..."

"Oh sweetie, come here." Chan softly says embracing the younger once again, he patted his back trying to sooth him as best as he could.

"Look my shift is about to end, wanna come over to my house? We can order in and watch movies while you calm down." Chan suggests not wanting to see the older in pain any longer.

"M'kay..." Hyunjin mumbles, backing away from Chan.

"I'm heading up to the chief's floor, I'll tell him you're not feeling good so you can leave early alright." Hyunjin only nodded, not wanting to open his moth and start crying in the middle of the office. With that, Chan went to the next floor up, so he can leave the office as soon as possible.

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