Letters from Rose

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Lissa POV

I woke up with Christian by my side, I felt so lucky that he loved me so much but I felt bad for Rose, she is such an amazing person and she deserves love but that asshole Belikov broke her heart, I had no idea what was she going to do herself, I just hope she doesn't take a bad step and harm herself. I woke Christian up and we both got ready for school, when I opened the door, there were two letters with mine and Christian's name on it. I took the letter and saw it was Rose's handwriting.

"What is it, Lissa?" Christian asked.

"Letters from Rose." I didn't know what do to I just hope she hasn't done something to herself.


"Ya, here's yours." I gave him his letter and read mine.

Dear Liss,

Firstly I want to tell you that I love you so much, and thank you for being such an amazing best friend and sister to me. I still remember the day when I met you and from that day we were inseparable. I never had a proper family, my mom left me, I had no idea who my dad was, but when I met you I had someone to call as family, you, Eddie, Alberta, and Mason, even sparky. Thank you so much for being there for me yesterday, because if you weren't I might have taken my life 'cause now I just don't want to live anymore, not with these emotions. I don't know when you're gonna read this but when I wake up for a new day I'm not gonna be the person you know, I know that. Now the only thing I'm gonna focus on is becoming the best guardian possible for you. You were always there for me and now I'm always gonna be there for you, you gave me this life and I will spend it protecting you even if it means I have to die for you. I just want one thing from you please don't talk about Dimitri, not in front of me at least. And don't expect me to act normal, because I know that's not possible.

Love you,


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