The finale

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Rose POV

The first day ended, and none of the competitors even lasted a minute with me. I finished all my fights in some hours only. Then I was watching other fights. I saw Eddie fighting, and he was doing good, he missed some good openings but still, he was managing nicely. During dinner, some members of the Conta family approached me asking me if I have decided on a charge or not, well I expected that to be honest, I said yes and they left. And this shit went on for the whole week, every time some stuck-up moroi would ask me if I have decided on a charge or not.

Eddie POV

The week passed, and Rose was now like a celebrity, Alberta told us that the news about this competition was in the court too, and they're also everyone was surprised by Rose's performance. Someone had recorded some of her fights, and those videos were viral right now.

And now it was the final week, only around thirty novices left, then there will be just Guardians fight.

Unknown POV

Last week's fights were amazing, especially of that Hathaway girl. She really has some real talent. In the final week, every novice's performance was amazing.

In the finals were four novices one from each group, Rose, Artyom the guy from St.Basils, novice Castile for St.Vladimirs, and novice Jeremy from another school.

The fight started with Rose against Castile and Artyom against Jeremy and as expected the winners of the two fights were Rose and Artyom.

The final match was supposed to be around two, and many people were waiting to see that match as both of the finalist's performances has been amazing, both were easily able to win every fight.

When Rose and Artyom entered the arena, every person on the campus was here also some royals from the court and their guardians were here to see the match.

People were betting on the finalists, and definitely have of these people were going to lose a lot of money today.

The match started, both fighters just circling each other, then Rose kicked Artyom's right knee, with so much speed that almost no one was able to see it, and the fight started, this was definitely the longest fight for Rose which lasted for around a minute, much to the disappointment of the audience, but Rose won, and the cheers were so loud. Artyom was really shocked to see Rose win so fast, she was very short compared to him, but ten times amazing than him.

When Rose and Artyom shook their hands, there was a look of admiration in Artyom's eyes, but Rose was impassive as always.

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