What is he doing here?

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Alberta POV

After the novices finale, everyone was shocked by Rose's performance. Every Royal moroi was trying to talk to her. At last, I had to send her to her dorm. God, what will happen for her allocation. 

From the next week, the guardian fights started and honestly, I was surprised to see so many guardians participate and their charges supporting them.

The novice winner and guardian winner were to fight together.

And I was really surprised to see Dimitri participate. I really wanted to rip his head off when I saw him, well so did most of the other St.Vlad's guardian and with him was the bitch. Tasha Ozera. It was a good thing Rose didn't see him, because most of the time she was in the gym or in her room, she could take her meals to her room so no moroi could disturb her at least when she is eating, and she rarely saw any of the fights. The same was with Dimitri, he didn't really talk to anyone, just came for the fights and the meals.

The week was tiring, but soon the guardian fights were over and the winner was none other than Dimitri Belikov. Of course, it had to be him. He was definitely one of the best fighters I've ever seen. Well, he was the top novice of St.Basils and the youngest Blood Master.

 How was Rose going to fight him? He already has done enough to her.

So I decided to talk to him about it. I quickly looked up in the registers to see in which room he was staying and went to give him a surprise visit from two very pissed-off mothers. Well, Janine was joining me too, she was Rose's real mom but Rose was always a daughter to me also Janine knew what Belikov did to Rose and surprisingly she supported Rose and didn't say anything that could make her sadder.

Janine POV

Rose did amazing in the competition, she was better than one of the best guardians in the world. Yet the reason behind why she was so amazing was the thing that made me so sad. That idiot Belikov broke my girl's heart. I have never been very involved in Rose's life, but I still loved her very much.

When Alberta asked me if I wanted to talk to Belikov, I was more than ready to do it.

When we reached there, Tasha opened the door, wearing some very slutty clothes, yeah that's what they were slutty clothes.

"Is Belikov here?" I asked, definitely sounding very angry.

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