All the best Belikov

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Alberta POV

"Yeah." Tasha said with a sleezy smile on her face, and I swear to god I really wanted to punch her in the face.

"Great, we need to talk to him." Janine said, and then she pushed Tasha out of her way to kill Belikov, correction, "talk" to him. Hey, even I want to kill him, then I followed Alberta inside.

"Belikov." Janine shouted in her best commanding voice, I am pretty sure even a strigoi will listen to her if she uses that voice.

And as expected, Belikov came from his room in a second wearing his uniform. Well, at least he is not in something that will get him killed today.

"We need to talk." I said, keeping my Guardian mask on. He looked scared for a second then got his Guardian mask back and nodded.

But before I could even take a step closer to him, Janine had already leaped through the air and punched the man.

Well it's not like I didn't enjoy it but we really didn't have time to deal with a court martial so i had to begrudgingly get Janine away from Belikov.

Weirdly the guy didn't even try to defend himself, just stood there taking the wrath of the red- headed guardian as if he deserved it. Okay so maybe, there's more to the story.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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