He left me

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He left me. He promised he was not going to leave, but he did. I don't want to live like this, I can't live with these emotions.


I was finally so happy, after Spokane Dimitri and I confessed our love for each other because he finally understood that life is too short to hide your feelings and if we get to experience love we should not waste that chance. Then finally one day we had a passionate night together and I gave myself to him. It's been a month, moving on from Mason's death was one of the worst experiences in my life, I knew I had Lissa, Dimitri, and all my friends but still, he died because he was trying to protect me. But as I said Dimitri was there, he helped me and I told Lissa to help Christian because he also needed it.

I was thinking all this that I didn't even realize I was standing in front of the gym and I was not late, wow. Well, miracles happen right? Laughing at myself I entered the gym and saw the love of my life sitting on the mat reading, God, this man can look sexy even when he is not doing anything that is supposed to look sexy.

I walked over to where he was sitting and saw that he didn't look like his usual self, I knew he heard me coming but he was not saying anything. Every day he would smile when he sees me coming, especially when I'm early.

"Comrade, what's wrong?" I asked, getting a little nervous about what he was going to say.

"Rose." he started, and that's when I realized whatever it is it's something about me because he never calls me Rose unless we are in front of someone when we have to act professionally.

"I'm leaving." and that's when my world came crashing down, what was he talking about, he can't leave, he can't leave me, he told me he loved me and now he wants to leave.

He left meWhere stories live. Discover now