Chapter fourty-one: A new path

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"Where are we now?" Dylan asked, looking around, Cheyenne stood there, taking in her surroundings in,

"Joey Drew's apartment" she answered, walking out of the room they were in,

"This is Joey's apartment?" He said also in shock, Cheyenne nodded, admiring the objects around the house, "It all ends here" Cheyenne said as she made her way into the kitchen, Dylan following close behind.

There, at the sink stood the man of dreams himself, the one and only Joey Drew, he stood there washing dishes from the side as he whistled the iconic song of Bendy, it would of been cheery and nostalgic to them, if it wasn't so sad. They approached the counter slowly, before they stood still, acknowledging that Joey knew they were there.

" soon?" He started,
Cheyenne put her finger to her lips, telling Dylan to be quite, he nodded.

"I wasn't expecting you for another hour yet, now your just trying to impress me. But I know...I have questions, you always do. But the only important question is... Who are we Henry?" Joey asked, "I though I knew who I was, but the success starved me. Nothing left but lines on a page..." he said, "In the end, we followed two different roads of our own making. You. A lovely family. Me. A crooked empire. And my road burned"
Cheyenne shook her head, agreeing with him.

"I let our creations become my life. The truth is, you were always so good at pushing old friend, pushing me to do the right thing" Joey turned and was met with the two teenagers.
"He should of pushed a little harder"
Cheyenne gasped as he saw the old man, wrinkled and worn out,
"I'm just glad he was able to stop his own path from burning" he said, he smiled at the two of them, "And you two helped him with that, so I must thank you. But now, I think it's time for you two to start your own path" Joey said, pointing to the front door.

They turned away from him and to the door, stepping towards it.

"Oh and one more thing before you go" Joey said, "Take good care of him for me. He's been through a lot and deserves a good home"
Joey placed his hand over his heart and chuckled to himself, Cheyenne copied his actions and smiled.

"I will Joey" she said, turning towards the door again.

"You ready?" Dylan said, Cheyenne nodded as Dylan pressed down on the handle and the blue portal they had seen before appeared.

"I'll always be ready" Was the last thing that Cheyenne said as the two stepped through the portal.

Seconds passed as they floated in the blue light, travelling to what Cheyenne hoped was home. Dylan had grabbed hold of her arm so that he wouldn't get left behind and plus, it was also nice that he trusted her enough to guide them. Although it wasn't really her who was doing it. Suddenly, the light faded and the two teenagers were met with the floor,

"Oof" Dylan said as he got up, reaching out to help Cheyenne. They looked around, it was dark and gloomy and big. Everything was humungous and seemed off but familiar, Cheyenne couldn't place her finger on it but thought she had been here before.

"Where are we?" She asked Dylan, but the boy never got to answer as they heard shouting a few feet away from them.

"RUN!" They yelled as they passed Dylan and Cheyenne, the girl managed to catch a glimpse of the person and gave Dylan a surprised look,

"ALEX?!" They said in unison. He stopped running for second to shout,

"RUN! HE'S COMING!" Before fleeing down a hall, the two sprinting to catch up with him.

"Who is?!" Cheyenne called, but it was answered by footsteps coming a few feet away from them. Cheyenne looked over her shoulder to see none other than Mr. Tickles as she liked to call him, chasing after them, his long unnatural arms stretching out to grab them.

"SHIT!" Cheyenne yelled out as the three ran faster...

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