Chapter sixty-four: The third assistant

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All of them fell silent when they saw the misshaped leg of a familiar figure.

"What?" Cheyenne whispered, "I thought we locked him in the freezer?"

"We did" Dylan agreed, staring in astonishment at the Chefs legs, wondering how he escaped.

"I think he's still in there" Alex mentioned, slightly puzzled.

"Well if he is, how do you explain him being here?" Cheyenne asked Alex, also confused.

Because it's not him" Alex said, wondering if the theory was true.

"Well it's not the other one either" Dylan added, "So, if it's not those two, then who is it?" He said, looking at Alex, they all were, waiting for his response.

"I think..." he started to theorise, "This is their triplet" he finished.

"What?!" Dylan and Cheyenne said in unison. "How can that be?" They asked.

"It was supposed to" Alex replied, "You see, the developers mentioned a Third Chef when Little Nightmares had been released. However, they didn't add him as they thought that it would be to hard for the player to complete the Chefs stage. So they stuck with The Twins." Alex informed the two, no wonder why he was given this game, he knew everything about it.

"So what are we going to do?" Cheyenne asked.

"Fuck all" Dylan answered, he pointed to the door they had came in, the Chef going through it and slamming it behind him, making a few objects fall off the shelf next to the old door.

"Well that was good timing" Cheyenne mentioned, stepping out of the box, the other following her.

"What did I say?" Dylan said proudly, "Do absolutely fuck all and we can live"
Cheyenne chuckled, Dylan was always good at making her laugh m, even at times like this.

"Come on" Cheyenne said, heading towards the door, "Lets get out of here-" she was cut off by Alex.

"No wait!" He said, outstretching his hand towards his friend. "He's guarding the hallway, we have to go the stealthy way" Alex warned.

"Well if 'stealthy' isn't my middle name then I will have no problem finding this-" Dylan tried to say before he was cut off by the smashing of glass. Behind it, a small room with a ladder.

"How convenient" Cheyenne said.

"I knew I could find it" Dylan said, crossing his arms in a jokey way.
Cheyenne laughed, Alex rolled his eyes, however, couldn't stop a smile spreading on his face.

As they stepped through the entryway, careful not to step on any glass, they made their way to the ladder and descended up it.

"This way" Alex said, "And try to keep quiet" he added, stepping onto some boards.
He gestured to his friends to follow him. They did, however, Dylan being the least agile of them all, lost his balance and fell.

"DYLAN!" Alex yelled,

"BENDY!" Cheyenne said as the Demon raced to catch her friend before the Chef did. His claws enclosed around the boy.

"Thanks" he said to the Demon, but as he looked up he was face to face with the Chef. Dylan's eyes widened in fear. "Uhhh..." he said trying to think of something, "What a nice-" he gagged a little, "Face you have"
The Chef growled and before he caught the boy he was pulled back up onto the boards, out of reach from the Chef.

"Shit" Cheyenne said, "So much for being quiet"
Dylan looked at Alex;

"What do we do?" He asked him, looking down at the Chef, desperately trying to reach the teenagers.

"We run" was Alex's only response before he leapt off the platform, landing with a tuck and roll onto the floor.
Dylan sighed.

"Here we go again" he said sarcastically, jumping down after him.

"Yaaaay..." Cheyenne added, joining them.

They ran, easily passing the Chef and sprinted to the elevator, praying that they would make it out of here alive.

"HURRY!" Alex yelled, sliding into the elevator, the doors opening for him and the others to get into. The Nome was next in, clutching Alex's leg terrified l, then Cheyenne and finally, Dylan.

"GO!" He yelled once he was inside, Alex pulled down a lever and the four went upwards, away from the Third Chef and hopefully to safety.

The elevator stopped with a 'ding' and unfortunately, they were not met with the safety they had hoped for, they were met with more enemies, waiting for them to have for a snack.

"THAT'S IT!" Cheyenne announced, Bendy emerging from her, "NO MORE MR.NICE DEMON!" She said as Bendy launched himself at the Guests.

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