Chapter twenty-four: The cogs are turning and the Devil's learning

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"So what now?" Dylan asked Cheyenne as she pressed one of the buttons to go to a different floor.

"I guess we search the levels for an exit" she said, "Or a way down there" she pressed the one that said 'K'.

"Then shouldn't we be going to the lowest floor?" He asked. Cheyenne spun.

"Would you like to go meet your end?" She asked sarcastically,

"Not really, but what happens if he's not alive?" Dylan said. Cheyenne laughed.

"The Projectionist, the one that somehow manages to get around without suspicion or knowledge, do you really think he would be dead?"

"No" Dylan said, "Not to mention, he reappears in Chapter 4"

"I hope he gets his head ripped off again" Cheyenne mumbled.

"And his ass kicked" Dylan added. The boy looked up, realising something. "The Tommy Gun"

"What about it?" Cheyenne asked.

"We don't have any real weapons, all we have is this" he lifted the wrench off of the floor, where he had left it, just in case Boris needed it.

"Who needs a gun when you have me" she said,

"True, but will he listen?" Dylan questioned,

"You better hope so or his head will be gone much quicker than waiting for Chapter 4"

"You can do that?" Dylan said surprised.

"I hope so, otherwise I'm just talking out my ass" she said. The elevator came to a stopped, it made a little 'ding' as the doors opened.

"Why back here?" Dylan asked Cheyenne as she stepped out onto the level.

"Because it's where our first task was supposed to be" she said, "I thought maybe, if we do it in order we might unlock something"

"Smart" Was all that Dylan replied as he too stepped out, "We'll be back soon Boris" Dylan said to the wolf, still in his corner of the lift.

"So I'm guessing we're going to collect the items as well" Dylan said.

"Nope, just search" Cheyenne said, looking around indulged in her surroundings. "Now Where is the staircase?"

"Staircase? I thought we were searching on this level, aren't we?" Dylan questioned,

"Yes, but I want to find the staircase so we can find the-" she stopped. Hearing the familiar splogy footsteps, slowly approaching them.
Cheyenne turned towards her friend, pressing her fingers to her lips. She pointed at the little wooden box across from them. Dylan nodded, knowing what she meant.

Slowly, he approached the wooden box, an Angel halo painted with black ink on it.

"All I have to do is get to the Little Miracle Station and I'll be fine" he whispered. That's when he saw his worst nightmare...

Up until now Dylan had never actually seen the Devil. His crooked smile was truly a threatening sight to behold. As well as his dark and bone like figure.

"Bendy..." he heard Cheyenne whisper as a roar escaped the ink demon.

"Shit!" He heard Cheyenne yell, followed by, "Dylan! Get in the Station!"

The boy didn't hesitate, he did what he was told.

"Cheyenne!" He yelled as he closed the door. The ink demon coming close to her.

"Bendy!" Cheyenne said, "Nice demon..." she hoped her sarcasm would work like it did before. The demon stopped for a second, it almost look like he was looking at her, his smile terrifying. "Stay..." she said, pointing a finger at the cartoon failure. It growled in response but did what she asked. Cheyenne's eyes widened in excitement.

However, the next thing she knew, he was gone. The floor had opened up below him and he had sunk into it as if he were putty. It reminded the girl of her first time doing that. She heard loud creaking as the Little Miracle's door opened and Dylan emerged from it.

"What the hell?!" He said just as shocked as she was. "How did you do that?!" Cheyenne shrugged.

"No idea, but I'm glad he didn't kill me" she said, tightening the straps of her backpack.

"Are you at least ok? I mean he didn't hurt you right?" He said this because he worried, as a friend of hers for the longest and knew what kind of situations Cheyenne could get herself into, he needed to ask.

"Fine" she replied, "Just a little shook up, that's all"

"Alright" Dylan said, "You still wanna find the staircase?" He asked. Cheyenne nodded.

"Yeah, I think it's best" she said, beginning to walk up the stairs back to the Heavenly Toys room.

"You never finished why you wanted to go there" Dylan remembered.

"Oh, right" Cheyenne said, scratching the back of her head. "It was so I-" she stopped herself, "I mean- we could find the instruments" she said.

"Sammy's Easter egg?" Dylan said, Cheyenne nodded.

"Yeah, just because, well, I've never done it before and I want to see if it has changed in any way "

"I guess that makes sense" Dylan said, "But if I'm the one who gets kidnapped, it's your ass I'll kick" he said.

"Fair enough" Cheyenne replied as she ascended the stairs. As they did so, they caught a glimpse of the thing that had started this off, it's gears clicking and turning away in the distance as it's rusty chains lowered down into the darkness.

Soon it would be found again.

Soon they will set him free...

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