3. The goblin cave

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Luckily they were fairly unharmed when you reached them.

"There is a cave over there!" you yelled over the storm, pointing to the opening of a cave. 

"Everyone quickly!" Balin yelled.

"Where is Bilbo?" Thorin asked and your heart sank at the bad feeling you got.

Before anyone could react you sprinted back and saw Bilbo hanging off the cliff. You didn't think about it twice and grabbed his arms as he slipped away. The only problem was you had nothing to hold onto, you wouldn't be able to hold on for long. Fortunately the dwarves catched up and hauled the both of you up. When you all finally sat safely in the cave Thorin turned to you.

"This is why you shouldn't have come. A burden, nothing but a burden is what you are." He screamed in your face. He turned around, barked at Dwalin to make a fire and layed down to sleep.

"Don't mind him, lass" Balin whispered to you and also went to sleep. But you couldn't deny that his words had hurt you and repeated in your head.

Once everyone was asleep you made your way to the entrance. "Where are you going?" You jumped as you didn't expect anyone to be awake. You turned around to face Bofur, the owner of the voice.

"I'm leaving."

"This isn't because of what Thorin said to you, is it? He didn't mean it like that you know." You smiled at the dwarf.

"It just got me thinking. It must be difficult to have someone around who reminds you of your father all the time. Maybe it's for the best I leave." Bofur seemed sad but smiled nonetheless.

"I wish you all the luck, I really do." You smiled back at him.

"If you ever need my aid, send word to the birds and I'll come to you." Unbeknownst to you Thorin heard everything you had said. You were about to give Bofur a hug and leave but something caught your eye.

"Bilbo's sword is glowing."

"What?" Bofur turned around and Thorin looked up as well.

"Wake up!" Thorin screamed and startled everyone awake. All of a sudden the ground gave in and you were all falling down a hole.


You groaned as you tried to get up. "Sorry Bombur." You said as you had landed on top of him.

He didn't get the chance to reply as a horde of goblins came and started dragging all of you away. Bilbo was in front of you and thought you should take advantage of the chaos. You lurched forward, landing on top of Bilbo. You two managed to stay unnoticed while the others were taken away.

"You go that way, I'll see what's over here." You whispered to Bilbo, who agreed and went on his way. When you were a little further you saw Bilbo fighting off a goblin and hoped he could take care of it by himself. You came closer to the others who were standing in front of a gigantic goblin king. You tried to think of a plan to distract them long enough for Bilbo to come and help.

You didn't really get the time to think of anything brilliant as the golblin king had ordered to bring in some torture devices. He was now singing, not too beautifully if you had a say in it. The goblin king was going on about someone paying a pretty price for Thorin's head. You managed to climb a wooden bridge above them but slipped and with a huff you landed right before the goblin king. Well this was just great.

"Do not touch Thorin or any of my friends." You didn't really sound threatening but you didn't sound too scared either. It was simply an order, a fact that couldn't be changed. The king let out a disgusting loud laugh.

"And why exactly would I do that?" The king roared at you.

"Let's make a deal."

"A deal you say?" The king came down from his throne and bent to your level. His horrid breath almost made you retch. Glancing to the dwarves you saw them looking at you with wide eyes. You had to be quick and clever to buy time.

"The pale orc has someone he wants, who is more valuable than ten Thorin's combined." This seemed to interest the king as he leaned in closer. You whispered in his ear to make it seem like a big secret.

"He is in love. In love with me. I didn't return his feelings which made him furious. He swore to have me whatever it takes, even if it means to immobilise me." You hoped the big goblin would buy the incredibly stupid lie, otherwise you would all be dead. Hopefully the cringe wasn't too obvious on your face.


The king had the dwarves locked up in cages. Supposedly so they could watch 'the show' whatever that implied. Probably nothing good. He wouldn't set them free but at least you're buying time. You were still standing awkwardly, waiting for what was about to happen to you. A goblin made his way towards you. When you looked it in the eye it seemed to hesitate, which was rather odd.

"Well what are you waiting for?" The king boomed, spit flying out his mouth. You simply closed your eyes, trying to prepare yourself. The goblin didn't have any weapons, you guessed the king liked to torture his prisoners slowly. You fell to the ground as the goblin delivered punches left and right, yet you didn't make a move. You heard the dwarves gasping and shouting as they watched what happened. The goblin stopped and when you opened your eyes you saw another goblin approaching, this time with a sword in hand. Looking over at the dwarves you smiled to reassure them. It only made them more worried.

You sat yourself up and faced the king, who seemed amused by this whole ordeal.

"I hope you'll remember this moment and regret it for the rest of your life." Before the king could retord something the goblin sliced his sword across your arm. Normal people would scream out in pain but you held back, clenching your jaw and looked the king in his eyes while a tear escaped your eye. For a moment you thought you saw fear cross the king's face.

"Tegwen!" The dwarves screamed and yelled banging on the cages in rage, trying to break out. Just when the goblin raised his sword for a second strike, a bright light blinded everyone in the cave. Every goblin screeched, fell to the ground and ran around. The goblin next to you let go of the sword he was holding, flinging it in the air. The grip hit the side of your head quite hard, which made everything blurry for a moment. But this wasn't the time to think about pain. This bright light might be the only chance you'd get.


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