14. The revelation

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Days slowly turned into weeks, but Thorin did not move from his spot on the balcony. Much like Fili, who had only left your side to sleep and eat. Thorin was slowly going mad, thinking about a solution. The elves and Bard had left one week after the incident, insisting on being kept informed and updated. Thorin looked up at Gandalf, who had just sat down next to him.

"Empty your mind." He said and continued when Thorin looked at him confused. "I can help you through your memories, finding an answer."

At this Thorin closed his eyes. Gandalf waved his staff around muttering a spell, hoping it would work.


Thorin thought back to all the times you'd shared on your adventure, but nothing seemed relevant to him apart from your power. This changed when he started to think back on everything you had told them about yourself and your history. It became clear, a vivid painting behind his eyes, as he heard you say the words.

"But a sickness came over the king and he discarded the treasure. The cause was this jewel that had caught his eye. He forgot his duty and the most precious treasure as all he cared for was this white sparkling jewel."

Thorin now understood and he opened his eyes. Gandalf looked at him with curiosity. Standing up, he followed Thorin out of the room, into yours. Thorin grabbed the arkenstone from where he had left it.

"The arkenstone. Thror, the king, chose the arkenstone instead of the precious treasure he should've protected. The treasure, Tegwen, love." Was all Thorin could explain in haste.

He sped to the room where the dwarves were seated. They looked up when they saw a frantic looking Thorin.

"Destroy it, I have to destroy it."

Balin stood up and went up to Thorin. He tried looking into the wild eyes of Thorin. "What do you have to destroy?"

Finally, Thorin's eyes focused on Balin.

"The arkenstone."

Everyone immediately started coming up with methods to destroy it.

"Throw it in the lake." Bombur said.

"Smash it with an axe." Gloin suggested.

"Bury it deep under the ground." Ori proposed.

But it didn't seem good enough.

"Burn it." Bofur spoke up.

With a nod from Thorin it was settled. "It has to burn."


Gloin and Bombur went into the mine and filled a small oven with hot burning liquid. Dwalin and Oin went outside to dig a hole. Then everyone helped to get the oven outside.

Kili came sprinting towards the oven, banging against it, making it tilt and pouring the liquid into the pit. Thorin walked up to it and grabbed the arkenstone. He stared at it for a while and for a moment the others thought it had corrupted his heart again.

But Thorin proved them wrong, throwing the stone into the fiery pit. The jewel screeched and hissed, disolving into the liquid. Swiftly Dori and Bifur filled the hole back up with dirt.

"Is it done?" Kili asked, looking at Gandalf.

"Only one way to find out." He responded.

When they went into your chamber, where you were still lying lifeless on the bed. For a moment they thought it was all for nothing. But when Oin stated your heartbeat was faster than before, hope settled in their hearts.


Two days later you still weren't awake, but your heartbeat was back to normal. Once again, Fili sat next to your bed. Like the previous days, he talked to you about everything and anything. He didn't know if you could hear him but at least it made him feel better.

"Today Bombur broke another chair. Now Bofur has to make a new one again." Fili laughed at the memory.

When he looked at your face he sighed. "I've never told you something I should have a long time ago. I was kind of too scared to do so, but also, we were so busy I didn't really find a good time. My uncle told me he had given his blessing to you before he 'died'. It gave me joy and hope you would feel the same. But you were gone before I knew it." His voice had gone down to a whisper. 

"What I'm trying to say is... I love you Tegwen." He swore your heartbeat sped up but he wrote it off as his imagination. Leaning forward, he kissed the top of your head lightly. After one last look at you, he stood up and made his way to the door.


You had been on the brink of death for what felt like an eternity. It was empty, dark, cold and even though you wanted nothing more than return to your friends, you had accepted your fate. You were content with knowing everyone was safe and alive.

But then you started hearing voices. They were distant and distorted, but they were there. You reached around you, trying to get closer to them. They were getting clearer and louder. You stopped when you heard a familiar voice talking close by. Fili, the man close to your heart, was talking about random things. And you loved every second of it. Soon after, you listened to him confess his love for you. Your heart rammed against your chest, love filling your body. Suddenly you felt something, lips, against your forehead. Life started flowing through your whole being. Blinking your eyes, you could see again. You were waking up.


"Fili..." Your voice was quiet and you weren't sure if the said dwarf even heard it.

"Tegwen?!" Fili's surprised voice sounded in the room.

"Fili..." You felt exhausted but happy.

A second later, Fili appeared in your view. His face portrayed mixed emotions, love, happiness, relief, shock. He let out a breathy laugh when you slowly lifted your hand, resting it on his cheek. 

"I can't believe it..." He whispered, still in shock.

"I enjoyed your stories, Fili." His smile couldn't get bigger. 

"You heard everything?"

You let out a chuckle. "Every part. With your words you guided me and your loving touch pulled me back."

Tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Don't cry, my love." You whispered, wiping his tears away. "I love you too."

The whole room seemed to burst with happiness and love. With a quick kiss on your cheek, Fili jumped up, danced around the room and ran to the door.

"Stay there, I'll tell the others!" You chuckled and nodded at him, as if you were going anywhere.


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