Chapter 7

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Everyone looked at each other. We don't know what to do.

As I checked for supplies I was shock that we are running low on First Aid kits, weapons, food, water and other stuff.

" Ah.. What the fuck do we do now huh?! Heather is bitten and we are all with her right now! We will all die because of her! We need to kill her theres no other choice. " Enzio was really mad and the same time he is scared.

I don't know what to decide..

If we kill Heather now we wont be worrying about her turning to undead later on.

But I cant just kill her without even trying to cure it. Thanks to the belt that its blocking the infection so it wont spread but I'm sure it wont last for long. Dont forget.. Amber has it too. We should at least try.

" Your wrong Enzio. No one is killing anyone! There is still hope! Look! Amber survived quite long already. So probably Ryan was right after all.. But we aren't sure yet.we have to find an alternate cure. "

The others agreed and nodded.



" You will regret this Eder. " Enzio's eyes has a dead look on me.

The zombie apocalypse changed everyones attitude now. Enzio became more mean and selfish. I wish none of this actually happen. Our parents are dead. Now we have to survive our own.

We divided into 2 groups. Group A and Group B. each group have its own walkie talkie so we can communicate from far distances.

Group A have Me, Anthony, Astrid and Amber. While Group B have Enzio, Heather, Bridgette and Santy.

" Guys! Where is the nearest Pharmacy store? " I asked.

" Probably 3 km north. Its not only a pharmacy store. Theres much more. " Santy replied.

I checked the time and it was 5:30 pm " shit! 5:30 pm. we are running out of time. "

" Then I guess we should start heading out! " Anthony replied with excitement.

We all went in our cars. We started the engines and there we head off.


After some time we have arrived. We went down. It was quiet. No noise. Just the wind brushing the ground and leaves flying all over.

" Its now a ghost town guys. "

" I think its better if the girls stay. Incase we need an emergency get away we wont have to rush that much. " I suggested.

The others agreed.

Me and Santy got the Kitchen Knife while Enzio got the 9mm Pistol and Anthony got the baseball bat.

" Better than nothing, Right guys? "

" Yep. At least we got this. " I replied.

" Alright here is the plan. If we want to make things quicker before sunset we have to separate. We have no idea if anyone is in here but if you see something dead thats walking like those zombies you know what to do. Anyways we need Food & Water, Weapons, Gasoline and Basic survival tools. " I explained to them.

" Don't forget medical stuff! " Anthony interrupted me.

" yes! So ill go for weapons and armory. I know there is a gun shop nearby. " I replied.

" Ill go for Food & Water! " - Anthony.

" Ill go for First Aid and Survival tools! " - Santy.

" Ill get us some Gasolines." - Enzio.

" Eder! Grab this bag you will need it so you could cary more weapons. " Enzio handed me a camping bag. I guess this will be enough.

Alright here we go.

As we separated I was heading towards the gun shop. It isn't that far but it will take sometime.

I looked around and I saw tons of dead bodies. I could feel innocent souls around me. They don't deserve to die in vain.

The Government is probably exterminating everyone. Even if they aren't a zombie yet.

As I walk towards the gun shop. I saw someone entering it. I wasn't sure who it was or if he/she is a zombie. But it doesn't look like it.

I went closer and closer I tried peeking through the glass but it wasn't that clear to see the inside.

I decided to enter the store. I held my knife I'm reading to kill anyone that is dead or who will harm me.

As I entered it was quite I don't see anyone.

" Anyone there?! "

No answer.

All the sudden I heard something big that fell behind the staff room.

I went closer and closer.

Before I could open the door I heard a ' click ' sound beside me.

Oh shit.

Someone is pointing a gun at my head.

-- End of Chapter 7 --

A/N: Hey guys! So sorry if I've been not uploading lately ive been busy this past days haha anyways Ill be uploading next chap tomorrow or next 2 days haha Thanks for the support!

Please check @zerwamughal, @susmiters, @AishaMughal, and @DaAwesomeWriter. Haha they make good stories too! :)

-- Current Characters --


-- Current Groups --

Group A:
Eder, Amber, Astrid and Anthony.

Group B:
Santy, Enzio, Heather and Bridgette.

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