Chapter 10

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" Enzio?! How did you.. I thought you were dead.. " Anthony rushed to him and hugged him.

" Im glad your alright bro. " Anthony told him while he was hugging him.

Santy joined them.

How did Enzio survive? Its impossible.. We saw all those zombies and bandits.. How?

" Woah how did you survive by yourself?? " I asked.

" I wasn't alone. Meet Lia, Zach and James. " he replied.

" JAMES?! MY BROTHER?! " Joshua interrupted us.

Enzio simply nod.

Joshua rushed to James and gave him a hug.

" I met them at the mall they were hiding from the bandits. I didnt know if I could trust them but they wernt armed so I brought them with me. Then I found one of the bandit's car. We all drove away on time just before the zombies arrived near the mall. Hey.. Thats not all what happen. " Enzio explained how he survived.

" Alright we understand and whats important is that your back and you brought new survivors with us. " I replied.

He nodded.

" alright then I think its best if we all go somewhere safe for now. Its already dark its dangerous and we all need rest. Today is a tiring day.. " Astrid suggested.

We all agreed and we welcomed the new members.

" Hey.. Thanks for letting me and my brother Mikkel join. " - Lia.

" yeah no problem. My name is Eder by the way. Your a family now we wont leave anyone behind. " I replied.

She nodded with a smile and left. We all went back to the cars and we all decided to go to the nearest Motel or gas station. This time Anthony will be taking over the wheel while The others Rest.


" Hey.. Wake up Eder. We are here. " Anthony woke us up telling us that we have arrived.

I opened my eyes and slowly stood up a bit.

" Alright the guys will check if the Motel is clear. While the girls stay here inside the car. " - Joshua told us through the walkie talkie.

I agreed, so as the others. We all went out of the car.

" Just incase something happens you guys will have to use this. " I gave Astrid, Amber Heather, Lia and Bridgette 9mm pistols.

You will never know what will happen next right? So its better to be prepared.

As we were heading towards the main entrance something caught my attention inside.

" Shit! Guys someone is inside. "

We all aimed at the main entrance.

" Anyone there? If anyone is inside please put your hands up, we wont shoot. " Enzio shouted while he was aiming at the main entrance.

He won't shoot unless its an undead or a guy thats armed.

We went closer and closer.

" I think we should go back. " Zach suggested.

" Don't be a coward! " I replied and after that Zach went silent and focused at the main entrance.

" Last warning! " Enzio shouted.

Still no one.

" Alright, lets go in. "

Everyone followed me going inside. I hate being the first but I have no choice.

We went in it was dark so we turned on our flash lights that is attached to our gun. We were all breathing heavily not knowing what will happen next.

We checked the counter no one was there. We tried opening up the power but it wont open. We tried again and again then finally lights turned on. Now we can see better.

We looked around once more and still found nothing.

" Are you sure you s- " Before Joshua could finish his sentence I interrupted. " I am sure I saw someone, double check. "

Then something caught our attention, Inside the janitor's room we heard a loud bang. Probably something big fell down.

We all looked at each other and we all knew that someone is inside. We went closer and closer.

Then I started counting down silently.

"3...2....1.. GO GO! " We bang the door down and we all used our flash light there we saw a Guy armed.

" Put your guns down! Or we will shoot you! " Enzio demanded. We were all aiming at the guy. " You are out number and out gun! Now put your guns down! "

" Ha ha ha you think you guys can survive? " what is he talking about? Of course we can! " Outnumbered? Outgunned? I don't think so. "

Then we heard gunshots outside and the girls screaming for help. We looked at the other direction then when we looked back the guy was gone. This is all a trap. Again.

We rushed outside and we saw the bandits taking Astird and Bridgette to their car.

We open fire but it was too late they took them away. " AGHHHH!! WE WILL FIND YOU! " I shouted all my might. And i really meant what I just said.

Amber's eyes were teary and worried as hell. Even I am worried on what would happen..

I went to Amber and tried Apologizing to her. " Its not your fault.. You were injured you cant do much.. " i tried cheering her up. " You know what? Your right. Its not my fault. Its your fault! You shouldn't leave us like that! Now look Astrid and Bridgette is gone! What will they do to them? " I didn't expect that answer but it was my fault. I should have left Joshua and Zach back at the car.

" Im sorry.. I promise ill try finding them."

She replied with a nod and smiled a bit.

What will they do to Astrid and Bridgette?

If I find them. Ill kill them.

-- End of Chapter 10 --

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