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A/N: Hey guys, Just to let you guys know that this is my 2nd book.. First book wasn't that great so ill try my best for this. Ill be putting more effort and a better story I hope you guys enjoy!

"An outbreak of disease that spread almost around the world and lasted almost 2 months now, if ever you have weird or unusual symptoms please consult your doctor immediately." Oh come on... Do we have to worry about this? I guess not unless you have one. Right?

Mom shouted out of no where "Eder, come downstairs and eat your breakfast your bus will be here any minute."

Like seriously she doesn't have to shout, its not like our doors are soundproof or something.

I Went down and sat on the chair.

While I was eating I saw my mom talking with someone in her phone. Who could that be? Probably Anthony's mom? Oh well.

" Mom, who were you talking to? " I asked with a sleepy tone.

" Its Anthony's mom why? "

I knew it. Ohh well I wonder why.

" ohh nothing mom i got to go now, bye love you " as I left my house and I started walking towards the bus I heard and saw military choppers flying over and over and I'm wondering why, Is it because of the disease? I hope not.

Started to worry a bit about that disease the news kept talking about, but I don't want to wonder all day.

As we arrived school I immediately went down first and searched for Enzio and Anthony.

There I found them by the french fries stand.

" Oh hell no you ain't gonna touch my fries again! " Enzio said in a funny accent.

" Oh cmon you 2 stop fighting over a french fries " I laughed a bit.

" Of course bro! He keeps stealing my fries! I bought it you know and this is why I hate being brothers with this freak bag " Oh cmon who doesn't want to have a brother right? Maybe they don't but I always wanted a brother maybe like them too? Not sure.

As we walk towards our classroom I noticed everyone was just calm like nothing happened around the world, no one was worrying about the disease that spread around the world. Maybe the disease haven't spread here yet? Who knows.

As we entered our classroom we part ways and head towards our seat. Im glad that my seat mates are Astrid and Amber. They are like sisters to me and I love them.

" Heard about the disease? " I asked quietly.

" Why are we whispering? " Astrid asked and chuckled.

We laughed and laughed that we caught everyone's attention.

" But seriously though... Have you heard about it? "

" Duh! Haha its all over the news " Amber replied.

" Then how come no one is worrying about it? " I asked worriedly

" Why would they? Its not like we will have one. " Astrid replied.

Amber agreed and nodded.

Oh here comes Sir. Ryan our History teacher. I hate history as fuck, like its boring and stuff. Guess what? Our History lesson is about the Plague that happened long time ago in Europe, it wiped almost everyone right?

Wait... A... Second....

What if....

It happens again? Like seriously this year? What if the disease will wipe out everyone in this world? I hope not.

I shouldn't over react.

Hours passed and seems like years finally bell rang and time for lunch break.

While I was lining up the queue wasn't that long after 3 min of lining up it was my turn to pick what i want.

" Good day Sir.. And what do you want to order?" The guy asked happily.

" Uhmm.... Pork Chop with garlic rice please. " I replied .

" Good choice sir and that would be $10.00 "

As I payed for my food, out of no where Enzio and Anthony ordered the same thing. Exactly the samething Pork Chops with Garlic Rice. I didn't mind it that much oh well maybe they wanted to try it out(?) As we sat we started eating.

" Hmm taste good bro! Good Choice!" Even when Anthony's mouth was full he still forced himself to talk.

" shush.... Dont talk when ur mouth's full! Dumbass " Enzio replied and chuckled.

Inside I was laughing.. Like cmon! They fight even when they are eating. But Anthony has a point, this pork chop tastes good. Its like. Heaven.

None of us were really talking because we were enjoying eating our Pork Chop, but I was wondering where was Santy? Yes.. Anthony and Enzio have a younger brother haha and his name is Santy. Well you see Santy doesn't really look and act like his older brothers.. Santy is more of uhmm... Couch Potato.

Out of no where Astrid and Amber joined us. They ordered fried chicken and I can spoil their appetite right now but I wouldn't haha.

As we finished eating we were full as fuck. We started talking

" Whats the next subject? " Anthony asked.

" Who gives a shit about the next subject " Enzio replied.

" Will you 2 stop arguing?? " Amber said in a serious tone.

" Okay okay chill bro... I mean girl.. " Enzo replied.


" Shit another drill? In the middle of lunch break?!"

" Not shit, its not a drill. " I replied to Anthony's question.

We were all immediately evacuated. In less than 10 min everyone was out. School buses started and drove away.

I was wondering why are we being sent back home.

Then there. I saw Military Trucks, Tanks, Choppers and other Military stuff.

Wait. Is this really happening?

Is it because of the...


I was starting to panic. I didn't know what to do.

All the sudden a Military officer stood up on a truck with a microphone in his hand.

" Everyone please stay clam! This isn't a drill! "

Students weren't listening but instead talking to each other asking whats happening.


Everyone went silent. ( finally )

" I... Just want you all to know that.... The disease have become worst... People that died.. Becomes.... Undead. "

Noise started raising again. I looked around and I lost Anthony, Enzio, Amber and Astrid.

Everyone was complaining but the thing I'm worried about is where are my friends.

Where. The. Fuck. Are. They.


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this. Ill be uploading chap 1 soon as possible please don't forget to vote, comment and add to your library! Thanks all! Sorry if i have mistakes! Haha.

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