The Destruction (PART 1)

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I was awoken by Hallie, the youngest peculiar in our loop at age 7, rushing into my cream room.
"Aphrodite! Aphrodite! Wake up!"
I chuckled softly and smiled at the young one.
"Yes Hallie?" I questioned even though I knew the answer. She would ask to sit next to me at breakfast.
"Can you sit next to me at breakfast? Pleaseee?"  I smiled as she dragged on the E.
"Yes Hallie, now go and get dressed? Ok!"
She fake saluted me and skipped out.
I walked over to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I had Vantablack hair and piercing eyes... but my eyes were special. One was a bright, beautiful purple and one was a fiery red. My eyes were what made me special, they were what represented my peculiarity. My peculiarity was controlling the elements. I also had Aerokinesis (but can fly when I wants to despite being lighter than air) and she has the power of snow called cyrokinesis. I sighed and walked over to my wooden wardrobe, I looked among my many dresses and picked one I liked.
It was a white/cream colour and had ruffled sleeves and spaghetti straps. On the chest area there was a bit of a tied bit of string down the centre. It went a little below my knees.

Once I put my dress on I looked at the bottom of the wardrobe and picked out some black combat boots with black socks

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Once I put my dress on I looked at the bottom of the wardrobe and picked out some black combat boots with black socks.

 I then brushed my lower-back length hair, and brushed my teeth

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I then brushed my lower-back length hair, and brushed my teeth. I then made my bed and skipped downstairs. I saw Miss April and gave a small nod and smile and say in my seat such was at the right end of the table. We was waiting on Harries, he was only 9 months younger than me. I was the oldest at age 17. The person closest to my age was 16. Once he arrived we started breakfast.

"Miss April may I have a word with you afterwards?"
I overheard Lydia say to Miss April. I thought it was unusual seeing as her peculiarity was that she had a feeling if something was going to happen good or bad.
"Of course Miss Martin!" she exclaimed. I examined her face she had a look of concern and worry in her eyes.

Once I was finished I went for a stroll in the garden, I had been in the garden for about 2 and a half hours when I heard an blood-curdling scream. It belonged to Allie a dead-riser, she could put hearts into inanimate objects. It was really cool in my opinion.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw her body on the stairs but what made me feel sick to the stomach was...her eyes had been ripped out. Hollowgasts. I quickly checked every room but it was all the same.

Every young,innocent child's eyes had been ripped out. My heart sunk at the thought I could have saved them. I had to think fast so I dashed out of the house and out the loop. Once I exited the loop I was in the forest, it wasn't deep into it just slightly tucked away. I then remembered the pocked in my boots they had some money inside. Once it was out I ran to the docks and found someone going to Cairnholm, Wales.

I thought why not, I clambered on and I paid the brown haired guy. Once we was approaching shore I remember a story Miss April used to tell me when I was younger.
"If we are in trouble go to Miss perigrine, her loop is in Cairnholm, Wales."

Once we reached shore I got off thanked the driver and began my walk. I remember Miss April saying something about a cave on the East side of the island on the beach. I headed that way around 45 minuties later I walked along the beach when I saw a small opening and headed toward it.

A/N-  Hi! So this is my first story I hope you all like it!

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