First Day

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I stood up and walked to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and my black hair. I walked over to my wardrobe and scanned the dresses until I found one I liked. It was black with spaghetti straps and poofed out.

I then put my black hair into a high,slick ponytail

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I then put my black hair into a high,slick ponytail.

I then went and brushed my teeth and I washed my face. Once I was ready I put black socks on and some knee high boots with no heels.

I looked pretty badass, I walked downstairs and headed into the kitchen. I saw Miss P and Enoch talking, I gave her a nod and walked to my seat. As Miss Perigrine was walking by she leaned down and whispered in my ear "That outfit is amazing!" I winked mischievously.

Enoch POV:

I was talking with the bird when Aphrodite walked down the stairs. She had a long black dress on. Miss peregrine walked over and whispered something in her ear and she winked mischievously.

Aphrodite's POV:

Once everyone was sat down they began talking.
"Hey Aphrodite! I like your dress!" Emma complimented. I thanked her and went back to eating and having a couple of conversations with Olive and Hugh. Once everyone had finished I was given the chore of washing the dishes with Enoch.

I entered the kitchen and didn't see him anywhere so  I started them. I was finished within 15 minutes, I finished drying of the last plate when he came in. I looked at him and smiled, i was about to leave the kitchen when he stopped me "You know I could have helped you with that." I shrugged and carried on walking.

I went out to the garden and saw Emma, I went over to her. "Hello Emma!" She smiled at me and took her shoes off. "Hi Aphrodite!"
"What are you doing?" I asked her, she finished unclippling her shoes.
"I'm doing one of my chores! Wanna come?" I nodded my head and slipped my shoes of. I held onto the rope around Emma's waist and we lifted off the ground. "So this is what we do!" and Emma showed me what to do. Once we were finished, Miss P called everyone to dinner (at 12:00pm). We walked to the kitchen and I saw Olive boiling tea, Enoch came down with two jars that looked like they had. Hearts? Inside of them, "Enoch do you want help with that?" I heard Olive ask him.
"I wouldn't want to interrupt your tea party." He remarked. Olive looked like she was going to scream so I chased after him. "Enoch! Enoch!" He stopped at the door he was heading into, "What Aphrodite!"
"Why were you so mean to Olive? Also are those hearts in those jars?" He looked at me like he was fed up with me. "I'm mean to everyone and yes these are hearts." I rolled my eyes "Why are you so grumpy all the time?" It was his turn to roll his eyes. "I just am." He grumbled, I could barely make it out with his accent but managed to. I decide to ask a question that's been on my mind. "What's your peculiarity?"
"My peculiarity is stupid and useless and your probably going to run away like the rest of them!" He said rather loudly at me. "Why would I run away?" I questioned him with a head tilt, he looked at me and told him to follow him. I was excited, he might show me his peculiarity! As we entered the room the were shelves of jars with all kinds of heart and there was a desk with clay and jars on. He went and sat behind the desk, "Watch." was all he said. He got little bits of clay and made a figure and got one of the hearts from around him. I then realised he was a dead-riser just like in my old loop. I grimaced at the thought of my old loop.

I then laughed he looked at me confused, "Why are you laughing?" I just looked at him with a small grin on my face. "Your a dead-riser." I said, stating the obvious. "Y-Yes why haven't you ran away yet?" He stuttered confused. "Well, there was another dead-riser in my old loop!" I exclaimed. He looked surprised, probably because hes never met another dead-riser. "Well we best go down Miss Perigrine is waiting." He said and got up from his desk and headed for the door.

I followed him and once we reached the bottom we walked inside the dining room. "6 minutes 13 seconds late Mr O'Conner, Miss Mabel." She sternly said. We both muttered a sorry and sat in our seats. Horace asked one  question I might die of "Why were you both up there for so long?" He smirked at us both. Everyone was looking between us both so Enoch decided to say "I showed them my peculiarity." They all looked at me gaping. "What?" I asked everyone, "You didn't run away?" Hugh asked surprised. I looked between everyone and shook my head, "She laughed." The Scottish boy said and everyone was even more surprised. "Children stop with staring that is very unpolite." Everyone looked away and began chatting, probably about me.
When we finished we headed to the garden it around the house to finish chores. It was around 6:30pm when the bird called us for tea, we entered and started eating. It was mostly small talk, once we were all finished we headed to the living room.

I was sat next to Emma and Olive, Claire was sat on my knee and Enoch was sat next to Emma. Horace was on a chair in front of a sofa Fiona, Hugh, Millard was on anyone else was on the floor and Miss P was sat on a huge armchair next to our sofa. Horaces dream started off with him talking about suits. What caught my eye like my first night was Me and Enoch. Again.

Me and Enoch were talking but it turned into yelling.
"YOU CAN GO DATE HIM FOR ALL I CARE!" Enoch yelled at me. I could feel peoples eyes on me.
"WHY WOULD I DATE HIM?!" I yelled back.
"Mr Somnusson that is enough." Miss P tried to interrupt but the screen changed to something that caught everyone's eye. It was Emma kissing a boy but we couldn't see his face then it changed to Enoch!

"Mr Somnusson that is enough." The bird repeated.
The lights were turned back on and everyone was looking between me, Enoch and Emma. Claire looked up at me and said something that I wish I could bury myself 6ft deep in the ground.
"Are you and Enoch going to have little babies." I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks. "Uh ask Enoch!" I said, he looked at me and he had a pink colour in his cheeks. "Enoch are you and Aphrodite going to have little babies?" He looked at the little girl before answering. "No Claire we aren't because of the loop being reset." She frowned then looked at me. "Aphrodite where do babies come from?" I turned pink.The older kids were to trying to not laugh. "Uh...well...I- Miss Perigrine?" The bird then looked at me and smiled trying to hold back laughter. "Children off to bed now."

We all exited the room, I was walking up the stairs looking at my shoes when I bumped into someone's chest. "Sorry" I muttered before looking up, it was Enoch. I quickly walked away. Once I entered the room I walked to the wardrobe to pick out a nightgown. It was pale blue/grey and had lace on the breast area.

I slipped it on and got into the bed, I pulled the covers over me and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep

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I slipped it on and got into the bed, I pulled the covers over me and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep. There were so many things going through my mind but I could only focus on one. The dark-haired Scot.

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