The Arrival

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After my flashback, I felt slightly sick but carried on to the small opening. As I entered I felt like I had walked into something then I realised it must be the loop. As I entered I saw a huge Victorian style house. I walked along the grass, the garden was empty so I decide I had to knock on the door. I balled my hand into a fist and knocked, i heard sounds of shouting and around 5 minutes later the door opened. A tall women with black and blue hair with a long blue outfit was stood there smoking a pipe. She looked at me and looked at me confused, she then spoke.
"Hello dear, may I ask what you are doing here?" her voice was calm and soothing.
"Hi, I'm from Miss April's loop," she looked at me curiously, "My name is Aphrodite Mabel pulchritudo." I said confidently.

"What are you doing here Miss pulchritudo?" She asked as I looked up at her.
"Please call me Miss Mabel and our loop was attacked and destroyed be hollowgasts," she looked at me say and frowned, "I was the only  survivor."

"Oh my, I'm so sorry!" I looked up at her and sadly smiled.
"It's okay but may I ask what year is it?" That was an important question on my mind.
"It is 1940! Well Miss Mabel you best come in."

I entered the home it was beautiful, it had a set of stairs right in front and it looked empty. I was led to a study and I sat in the seat in front of Miss P.
I heard her call a name which sounded like
"Miss Bloom please come here!" she yelled.
In a few minutes came in with huge led shoes on. She had blonde, wavy hair and bluey green eyes.

She looked at me amazed, I was a bit confused then I remembered my eyes. She leaned into Miss P and whispered
"Why does she have two different coloured eyes?"
They both looked at me as they thought they were quiet
"My peculiarity." I answered. They both looked at me and I smiled.
"Right, anyways Miss Bloom will you take Miss Mabel to her room please." The blonde nodded and said follow me. I followed her out and she took me upstairs and to a room. She opened the door so I muttered a thank you, I looked at her and smiled.
"Hey, I'm Aphrodite!" I said politely, she looked at me and smiled, "My name is Emma, and you have some clothes on that wardrobe there and the bathroom is through there." She pointed to a door on the other side of the room.
"Thank you also could please get me when dinner is ready?" I asked her.
"Of course, well I let you get some rest."

Once she walked out the door I laid on the bed and thought about how one minute I was strolling through the garden and next I saw all of my friends, my family dead. I felt tears in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was into a peaceful sleep. I was woken by Emma knocking, I got up and opened the door.
"Hello Emma!" I smiled at her, "Hello Aphrodite, dinner is ready now. Are you ready to meet the others?" Oh no.. I forgot about that part I took a deep breath and said yes. I slipped my shoes back on and headed down the wooden stairs.

I smelt a heavenly aroma drift into my nose, I pushed open the door and any chatter or laughs were stopped. I entered the room and everyone was looking at me I felt a little awkward but smiled when I saw Emma pointing at a seat. I made my way to the seat and placed myself into it. Miss P then cleared her throat, "Alright children, introduce yourself."

A boy with platinum blonde almost white slicked back hair and a grey suit cleared his throat, "Hello I am Horace. My peculiarity is prophetic dreams."
I smiled. Next was a young girl wearing a pink dress and short curly brown hair, "I'm Claire and I have a backmouth!" She was so cute.

A girl with flaming red hair and gloves introduced herself next "Hi! I'm Olive and I have Pyrokinesis!" and lifted up her gloves. I stared at her for a moment, if I could control the elements and she has fire then i could help with her powers. I was pretty shocked but just softly smiled back.

Next was Emma she said her peculiarity "Aerokinesis!" I looked shocked and looked between Olive and Emma. "Is there something wrong?" another girl asked. "Oh no sorry." I grinned at the girl
"I'm Fiona, I can grow things and make it huge!"
"I'm Hugh and I have bees living inside of me!"
I grinned at them both showing my pearly white teeth.
"Mr O'Connor." Miss P asked a boy who had short, black hair and brown eyes. "I'm Enoch." He muttered but I could tell he was Scottish.
"I'm Millard and I'm invisible!" I looked across from me and the were clothes with nobody right there.
"I'm Aphrodite!" I said as they all smiled at me.

"What's your peculiarity?" Olive asked me and the others nodded in agreement. "Wait also why are your eyes two different colours?" I heard Claire ask, I looked at them and said that it was apart of my peculiarity. "Woahh!" High and Fiona said at the same time.

"My peculiarity is that i can control the elements. Oh! I also have aerokinesis."I stated, I looked around the room and everyone was shocked.

"How are you aerokinesis and don't have to to we're led shoes?" Asked Emma, " because I can control the elements!" the

"Miss Mabel that is a lot of power you have." She said amused.
"Yes I do but I know  how to control it." I smiled at her. "Well children carry on." Miss P said. "Claire why aren't you eating?" Hugh said. "She's embarrassed to eat in front of Aphrodite." I looked at her and smiled, "You don't have to be embarrassed!"She smiled and lifted up her curls with one hand and grabbed a chicken bone with the other. Everyone carried on eating,laughing and smiling but what caught my eye was Enoch. He was secluded from the groups laughter and chatting, he wasn't making eye contact or looking at anyone.

I began eating, I talked to Fiona, Claire and Emma the most. Once everyone finished Miss P told everyone to go to the living room. I leaned over and whispered in Emma's ear "What are we doing?" She smiled at me, "Well because of Horaces peculiarity we watch his dreams. When we finally entered the room there were only two seats left. One beside Fiona, one next to Enoch. Before I could head towards Fiona Emma was already there so I groaned and sat next to Enoch.

Horaces dream began by him looking and talking about suits, I looked at Enoch for about a second then turned by to the screen. What caught my eye was there were two people in the garden on a beautiful sunny day, it was a girl and a boy! They were looking at each other the girl looking up and when they leaned in and kissed, that's when I realised. It was me and Enoch. The younger children were giggling while the older one were trying to hold back there laughs. I could feel a light blush on my cheeks, I looked at Enoch he looked at me and we made eye contact for about two seconds before he coughed awkwardly and said "I better go." and headed upstairs.

I awkwardly got up and said the same, as I left I could hear giggling and whispering. I heard the bird speak loudly "Children you best head off to bed now!" and they all exited the room. I entered my room and saw a light pink and white lace nightgown laid on the bed.

I took my dress of a put it on I tied my hair up and got into bed

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I took my dress of a put it on I tied my hair up and got into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was in a deep sleep. I was woken by the sunlight shining through the curtains. I groaned and rolled over, I took the quilt off me and stood up.

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